Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Spatial Modeling of Population Growth Rate of Russian Cities

Introduction. The study of urbanization, agglomeration and growth of cities in Russia is very important. However, for spatially distributed data classical methods of regression analysis can give incorrect results and conclusions, so spatially inhomogeneous data necessary to apply special methods of analysis. Preliminary analysis. Group held cities in terms of population and analyzed the dynamics of population growth of cities in Russia, depending on their size and region (European part of Russia and Siberia and the Far East).

Ways to Strengthen the Competitive Position of Milk Processing Enterprises at the Regional Level

Introduction. An adequate analysis of the ways of creation and strengthening of competitive positions of dairy enterprises directly connected with their typing by levels of competitive interaction: local, regional, national. Empirical analysis. This article examines ways to strengthen the competitive position of the leading dairy enterprises at the regional level.

Problems of Bank Lending

Introduction. In the post-crisis period, there are stagnant and sometimes disturbing developments in the global economy. There is crisis in some euro zone countries and the debt problems in the US, as well as the slowdown in economic growth in China and Russia. Despite this faster pace continues credit issue in the Russian economy, which supports a high level of consumer demand So is the actual analysis of observed contradictions, as well as methodological categories relating to credit operations of Russian banks. Theoretical analysis.

Model Management System Forming Innovation and Investment Projects on the Basis of Axioms and Standards

Introduction. The process of formation of the system of innovation and investment projects on the basis of a set of axioms and standards. Theoretical analysis. Formation of the system of innovation and investment projects in the process of design and operation, in our opinion, should be carried out on the basis of a set of axioms and standards. Axioms are outgoing provisions necessary for the development of the project management system.

Corporate Transparency, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance

Introduction. In modern conditions increase of competitiveness and investment activity is provided due to quality of corporate governance which can be reached on the basis of corporate transparency. Theoretical analysis. In article approaches to determination of corporate transparency, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility are considered.

Management of Limited Innovative Resources of the Industrial Concern Based on a Non-manipulable Support Mechanisms of the Decision-making

Introduction. One of the key factors of innovation activity of industrial concern in modern conditions is the use of information and cognitive technologies. As part of the author’s theory of economics active Connection have the opportunity to make effective management decisions for a balanced allocation of scarce resources, innovative industrial concern among enterprises, in its composition. Theoretical analysis. This article discusses some aspects of the balanced allocation of scarce resources, innovative industrial concern among enterprises.

Study of Rail Transport on the Basis of Historical Time Series

Introduction. Significant territorial space of Russia Federation determined the special place of rail transport for the economic development of the country, so the bulk of the goods in the country is transported by rail. An important role in assessing the condition and prospects of development of rail transport plays an analysis of the historical time series of indicators of passenger and freight traffic. Methods.

Organization of Procurement Dairy Enterprises on the Market Raw Milk

Introduction. Under conditions of inelastic supply on the market of milk as raw material create dairy enterprises specialized structures transaction management becomes a question not only effective contractual interaction, and survival. Empirical analysis. The article proves that the specific investments made in the framework of these structures, can affect both the individual price and non- price parameters of milk as raw material and the conditions of their formation.

Shaping to Concepts of the Life Cycle of the Manager to Corporations

Introduction. In accordance with the theory of the cycle all the world is subject to cyclical development. Is no exception management activities manager, which is also prone to cyclical fluctuations. Theoretical analysis.

The Formation Process of Transportation Planning in the Logistic

Introduction. The primary task of the transport service material flows within the country and within the framework of integration associations (Customs Union) is the delivery of goods to the consumer in accordance with the requirements of logistics. A violation of the practice of the time and cost of transportation, lack of coordination of logistics operations leads to contradictions between supply chain members, inability to provide normal conditions for the delivery of established values.
