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Plotnikov A. N., Plotnikov D. A., Akchurin A. I. Economic Criteria and Methods of the Assessment of Efficiency and Choice of Innovative and Investment Projects. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 300-307. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2014-14-2-1-300-307
Economic Criteria and Methods of the Assessment of Efficiency and Choice of Innovative and Investment Projects
Introduction. The choice of a method of an assessment of innovative and investment projects remains very difficult business. There are various points of view of the Russian scientists on this problem, there are most various ways of an assessment of the projects, having pluses and minuses. Justification of application of this or that method in various situations is necessary. Theoretical analysis. As an object of research criteria and methods of an assessment of efficiency and a choice innovative and investment projects are chosen. It is necessary to consider as a problem of theoretical researches on an assessment of efficiency of innovative and investment projects discrepancy of indicators of absolute and comparative efficiency at an assessment of the design decisions, the insufficient accounting of factors of time and risk. Results. Systematization of methods of an assessment of projects, their contents and appointment is carried out. Conclusions that it is necessary to consider as the basic standard of an assessment of efficiency of innovative and investment projects the technique of discounting standard in world practice are drawn. As liquidating balance of innovative and investment projects it is expedient to consider business cost on the accruing potential of a cash flow, and also an obsolescence of fixed assets at the time of project end. At an assessment of efficiency and a risk level of innovative and investment projects it is necessary to consider factors of organizational and technological reliability of decisions.
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