On the Application of the Minimax Model for Rationalization Expenses of the Consumer
Introduction. Usually, the analysis of consumer behavior is closely connected with the necessity of evaluation of consumer preferences and their formalization in the form of so-called utility function. However, this approach has a number of difficulties, because consumer preferences are rather unstable. At the same time, the consumer’s budget there are expenses that are necessary, expenditure on these categories of goods may be reduced, but not to zero. The new approach to rationalize expenditure by ranking estimates of negative nature of past experience of consumption for each category of goods and expenditure redistribution based on the minimax model. Goals and tasks. The aim of this work is to outline the algorithm for recommendation to the individual in streamlining their expenses on the acquisition of goods and services. Methods. A new method of rationalization of equity expenditure structure using minimax model is suggested. The algorithm of the individual consumption’s structure rationalization is suggested. Provides step-by-step algorithm of actions for streamlining costs. Results. Is an example of rationalizing costs. Conclusion. The worked out system of multistage analysis and rationalization of consumer behavior on the basis of mathematical model.
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