Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Methodological Aspects of Strategic Management Engineering

In this article necessity of strategic management branch developments is proved. Methodological aspects of strategic management of mechanic al engineering are considered. The basic directions and elements of strategic management of development of the machine- building complex are represented.

The Improvement of Public Requirements Satisfaction Management in Conditions of Information Economy

The author defines the characteristics of public requirements satisfac- tion process in modern conditions of information economy. The factors (managerial risks) preventing the achievement of public purchases process and its result quality on different stages of purchasing cycle are revealed. It is pointed out to the necessity of modern public purchases institutional model optimization on the basis of federal contract system.

Experience the System of Territorial Public Self-Government in the Volgograd Region

In this article are discussed questions of the practical realization in the Volgograd region a new self-government form – territorial public self-government. There was described a positive experience of the region, that prove its viability. The reigning feature of projects under development in the region is implementation of a distant interactive government and administration under administrative-civil partnership. 

Spatial Analysis of Socio-Economic Development of Municipalities in the Region

Improving the system of indicators for an objective assessment of spatial heterogeneity of socio- economic development of municipalities is the subject of discussion in this article. It is proposed to use the geoinformational system (GIS) and simple and complex ranking cartograms (thematic maps) as a means assessment of spatial socio-economic and natural resource asymmetry in the region.

Specificity of Sources and Structure of Financing Innovative Enterprises of the Volga Federal District

Introduction. The most important part of the strategy of innovative development of the economy today is the development of mechanisms for funding innovation. The Russian specificity causes close attention to the analysis of the problems of financing innovative activity, since the success of innovation activity largely depends on financial support. Theoretical analysis.

University as a Driver of Economic Development of the Region: Challenges and Prospects

Introduction. Regional university can be considered one of the key elements for building a regional economic development strategy. This article is devoted to regional university’s long-term development in modern environment. Theoretical analysis. In the context of «triple helix model» the network nature of the interaction between the participants of the innovative process is especially important.

International Experience of Public-Private Partnerships for Development Investment of Innovation

The review of international experience organizing public-private partnerships in the development of investment processes of innovation are made in this article. It focuses on key trends in this area, analyzed the basic tools and support mechanisms for innovation in PPP projects in developed countries and their actual using in Russia, stated the key areas of decision development problems of public-private partnership in the area of innovation.
