Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Concept of System of Corporate Governance and Bases its Formation

Introduction. Recently, on the pages of the scientific literature is becoming increasingly popular to discuss the issue of corporate governance in the Russian economy and building an effective system of corporate governance in domestic corporations. The reasons for this is the lack of investment in the capital market and inadequate systems of corporate governance. In order to attract investors, domestic corporations should build effective corporate governance system, and for this you need to know what elements make up this system.

Economic Criteria and Methods of the Assessment of Efficiency and Choice of Innovative and Investment Projects

Introduction. The choice of a method of an assessment of innovative and investment projects remains very difficult business. There are various points of view of the Russian scientists on this problem, there are most various ways of an assessment of the projects, having pluses and minuses. Justification of application of this or that method in various situations is necessary. Theoretical analysis. As an object of research criteria and methods of an assessment of efficiency and a choice innovative and investment projects are chosen.

Multivariate Statistical Analysis of the Passenger Transportation Market in the Volga Federal District (VFD)

Introduction. Passenger transport retains an interconnected structure of economic space in the country, ensures the stability of enterprises and organizations, increase the mobility of people, from its effective work depend key social, political and economic processes in the country. The article contains the consideration of the need to study the passenger transport market in the context of the modern society development. Empirical results.

Evaluation of the Board of Directors of Corporations as a Direction to Improve its Performance

Introduction. The modern system of remuneration of board members should be structured so that the director felt the connection of his work on the board with the results, as most of the board of directors and the company as a whole. On this basis, there is a need to assess the activities of directors and to determine their contribution to the effective functioning of the board of directors, the development of corporate governance and business performance of the company.

Improving Governance Model Flow Processes in Integrated Service Complexes

Introduction. Application of integrated logistics paradigm allows you to create a single logistics system management service complex socio-cultural sphere. Theoretical analysis. Regulation of service flow, as an integrator of financial, material, information flows, should be considered as a single entity – an integrated system that implements the business objectives of the supplier to the end consumer. Results.

Development Institutes as Organizational Form of Implementation of Venture Investment

Introduction. Innovative development became a directing vector in development of economy of Russia. While the main tools and infrastructure elements, investment of innovative activity, i.e. venture investment are formed, remains insufficiently developed in theoretical and practical aspect. In article the substantial party of objects of venture investment – the innovative companies is investigated, criteria of reference of the companies to innovative are allocated, features of their functioning come to light.

Actual Problems of Project Management

Introduction. Today the project management process is highly problematic. Many foreign and domestic economists have devoted their research papers address emerging problems in project management and they are offered a variety of approaches. Theoretical analysis.

On the Application of the Minimax Model for Rationalization Expenses of the Consumer

Introduction. Usually, the analysis of consumer behavior is closely connected with the necessity of evaluation of consumer preferences and their formalization in the form of so-called utility function. However, this approach has a number of difficulties, because consumer preferences are rather unstable. At the same time, the consumer’s budget there are expenses that are necessary, expenditure on these categories of goods may be reduced, but not to zero.

Role Market Multiples in Balanced Scorecard Strategic Controlling

Introduction. Controlling system in commercial organizations involves the use of their own, often quite complex tools. Hence the rele vance of the question is obvious modifications and optimization of existing tools controlling. An important question that inevitably arise in determining the overall components of a balanced scorecard is the formation of a set of indicators used. Set of indicators to be included in the balanced system involves the use of market multiples. Theoretical analysis.

Effect of Socio-еconomic Benefits on Implementation of the Concept of Decent Work at the Regional Level

Introduction. The article proves the necessity of implementing the principles of decent work for transition to innovative development of Russia’s economy and formulates a hypothesis about the possibility of the use of socio-economic benefits to implement the principles of decent work at the regional level. Theoretical background of the research.
