Evaluation of the Board of Directors of Corporations as a Direction to Improve its Performance
Introduction. The modern system of remuneration of board members should be structured so that the director felt the connection of his work on the board with the results, as most of the board of directors and the company as a whole. On this basis, there is a need to assess the activities of directors and to determine their contribution to the effective functioning of the board of directors, the development of corporate governance and business performance of the company. In addition, the evaluation and remuneration as the top-managers as well as members of the Board of Directors shall develop and approve the council itself. Therefore, the problem of self-esteem is no less relevant for research. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of the Russian and foreign practice evaluation board revealed the contents of the assessment by the Board of Directors, the Board of characteristics grouped according to the main aspects of the assessment of the Board of Directors, as well as assessment tools to systematize the board of directors. Results. Evaluation of the Board of Directors of the proposed system will improve the objectivity of the procedure and will enable the development of an adequate contribution of members of the Board of Directors of the reward system, and identification of ways to improve the activities of the Board of Directors. The author proposes to make public the results of an objective assessment undertaken by experts, the effectiveness of the Board of Directors at the Company’s website.
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