Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


On the issue of the board of directors’ participation in the strategic process under sanctions restrictions

Introduction. The role and importance of the board of directors in the strategic process has long been considered in practice and in corporate law legislation. Theoretical analysis. The ambiguous distribution of the role and degree of the senior corporate management participation made it possible to identify four models of the board of directors’ participation in the strategic process, which reflect the primacy of the board of directors and the primacy of management in the strategic process. Еmpirical analysis.

The role of digitalization in regional economic and tourist space development: The Murmansk region experience

Introduction. The Murmansk region is the pearl of Arctic tourism, and its tourist and recreational potential is considered in the work. Theoretical analysis. During the theoretical analysis, it was found that a tourist multiplier operates in the economy of the Murmansk region, contributing to the development of the regional tourism industry. At the same time, the acceleration effect in the industry is observed due to the introduction of digital technologies. Empirical analysis.

Platinum group metals sales process: Planning and optimization

Introduction. The development of methodological issues of optimizing the activities of mining and metallurgical companies and the sale of platinum group metals are highly relevant in the current market conditions due to sanctions restrictions and the severance of international economic ties. Theoretical analysis.

Intergovernmental Grants in Financing of Investment Activity in Organization

There are two basis avenues of transferring resources from one level of government to another: sharing of revenues or a system of grants.

The Regularity of Bisiness-angel Financing of Innovation: Theory and Practices

There is the theory of Angel Investor’s financing in foreign countries. The author explains the difference between venture capital and Angel Investor’s financing in Russia. The author analyzes Angel Investor’s financing in start-up period. He explains the main barrier for Angel Investor’s financing in Russia, in particular, in period of seed and startup period.

Financial Risk Management as a Way to Maintain a Firm’s Economic Stability

Risk reduction down to as lower (acceptable) level as possible is the basic task of risk management activity of any firm. The purpose of risk management is maintenance of the stability and dynamical nature of the firm’s development, i.e. optimization of the risk deviations from the trend of development. The process of risk management is regular work on: revealing various risks; estimation of them; choosing ways to manage risks; realizations of the ways chosen; estimation of the final results.

Value Based Management as Innovative Principle of Firm Strategies in Russia

The paper is about innovative principle of firm purpose function – value based management. The criterium of undertaking management decisions, strateges and progects is the growth of the stakeholders wealth. The methods of undertaking management decisions, the role of the cash flows prognostication, discounting process, the creation of the firm cost capital, connection of company capitalization and market power are considered in this paper.

This Management System of the Investment Risks

The article deals with a search of the optimum combination the risk and brings. The management system of investment risks with calculation many different factories of working out elaboration.

Kinds of Investment Risks and Their Rating Estimation in the Saratov Area

Investment appeal is the key parameter of the development of any region. The important factor of investment appeal is the investment risk. Some basic parameters, by which groups of regions on investment risk are formed, are considered in this article. The rating of the Saratov area on investment risk is shown.

Investment Appeal of the Saratov Area Among Regions the Russian and Privolzshkii Federal District

Investment appeal of the Russian regions in this article is considered as the economic category consisting of rather independed characteristics: the investment potential, the investment risk and the number of the regions described in the high investment and low investment risk.
