For citation:
Plotnikov A. N., Plotnikov D. A. Actual Problems of Project Management . Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 152-158. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2014-14-1-2-152-158
Actual Problems of Project Management
Introduction. Today the project management process is highly problematic. Many foreign and domestic economists have devoted their research papers address emerging problems in project management and they are offered a variety of approaches. Theoretical analysis. As a result of the theoretical analysis were identified ways of solving existing problems of project management, which should also include: powerful planning and management techniques, such as “Storyboard”; progressive algorithm for solving problems, information technology and specialized software. Results. Differences in program and project management from traditional methods and intra-sectoral management, as well as differences from the control software project management. Asked to produce the decomposition of the general objective of the program (project) by drafting objectives tree in the form of a hierarchical scheme directed graph. For interagency, interregional programs recommended the establishment of coordination committees headed by representatives of the government or the federation of regions. For program management is recommended to use software- oriented organizational structures. For project management scheme recommended project-oriented: to design innovative projects, as well as matrix scheme.
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