Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The Analysis of Economic Activity of Small Innovative Enterprises Founded by Budget Scientific and Educational Institutions of Higher Education

Introduction. This article discusses one of the priorities of the economic policy of the Russian Federation, namely promoting innovation activity of companies founded on the basis of cost of scientific and educational institutions of higher education. The ability to build such companies has been allowed by the Federal Law of August 15, 2009 № 217 and Decree of the Russian Federation № 219 of April 9, 2010 (hereinafter, the Program 219). The classification of these companies and the analysis of their activity are considered in the paper.

Organization of Monitoring the Results of Intellectual Activity in High Schools

Introduction. The important role is given to the high school, which is characterized by accompaniment of innovative process and perfection of innovative infrastructures of different intellectual activity’s results. Theoretical analysis. One of the main participants in the creation of innovative infrastructure are universities. However, the lack of Office of Scientific Research and Development’s model, doesn’t allow Russian economy to reach the high rival level.

Modeling the Optimal Functioning of the Supply Logistics System Activity

Introduction. In the current economic conditions, when the activities of the subjects carried out in conditions of risk and uncertainty growing systematically address issues of optimal control of production and marketing activities with the use of the conceptual foundations of logistics has become a priority in the operation of complex systems and management decisions. Theoretical analysis.

Methodological Evaluation of Economic Efficiency of Enterprises Management Daily Product Subcomplex

Introduction. In modern conditions essential for any enterprise is the continuous improvement of the system of enterprise management daily product subcomplex (next – MPP). Effective enterprise management system improves the efficiency of MPP business as a whole and contribute to its development. It is necessary to take into account two things: the rational use of resources and maximum satisfaction of personal and social needs of the population.

Analysis and Control Scheme Innovative Portfolio Mesoeconomic Systems (on the Example of Saratov Region)

Introduction. Relevance of studying the problems of managing the innovation portfolio meso system driven by the need of forming a supportive innovation environment at the meso level. Theoretical analysis. In domestic and foreign works on the theory and methodology of project management on the management of particular importance to the innovative portfolio of projects at the meso level. State of these studies reveals new trends in the meso system.

Specifics of Budgeting as a Model of Financial Planning in Organization Economic Activities

Introduction. Budgeting as a financial planning model allows to prove the optimal consumption levels of funding and allows enterprises to obtain competitive advantages, which is important in today’s market. The paper outlines the elements of the financial planning and budgeting as the features of the model financial planning activities of the organization, a detailed approach which can improve the efficiency of the company. Theoretical analysis.


Решение задачи построения контрольно-кассовой деятельности на пригородных поездах, которая обеспечит высокий уровень охвата пассажиров на всем маршруте движения поезда, можно рассмотреть с точки зрения производительности труда контролеров. Пассажиры электропоезда представляют собой требования на обслуживание со стороны контролеров. Они поступают в вагоны поезда на остановках и покидают поезд независимо от того, обслужили их контролеры или нет. Этот процесс удобно описать с позиции теории массового обслуживания.

The Improvement of Operational Planning Activities of Instrument-making Enterprise on the Basis of the Mathematical Interpretation of its Dynamics

Introduction. Despite the fact that the methodology of operational planning of industrial activities is a widely known and proven, there remains the problem of choosing the optimal length of the planning period, taking into account the system of factors affecting the activity of the enterprise. In article the author’s approach to the determination of the planning period, based on the mathematical interpretation of the dynamics of production and economic activity of the enterprise. Theoretical analysis.

The Influence of Fuel and Energy Complex on the Competitiveness of the Russian Economy

Introduction. In the modern realities of improving competitiveness is one of the primary tasks of the state. Further development of our economy involves the use and improving the efficiency of the leading industries. Primarily, this includes fuel-energy complex (FEC), which was and remains the foundation of the national economy. Theoretical analysis.

The Introduction of Indirect Methods of the Determinin the Tax Liabilities as the Direction of Improving the Efficiency of Tax Control Sysnem of Individual Income

Introduction. High rates of tax evasion on income of individuals requires the state to find new, more effective forms and methods of tax revenue control individuals. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of state control over taxation of citizens may be the introduction of indirect methods for the determination of tax liabilities. Theoretical analysis.
