Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Features of Legal Regulation of the Constitutional Right of Everyone to Produce Information on the Internet

Introduction. Modern society is undergoing yet another information revolution related to the formation and development of the global information and telecommunication network – “Internet”. In this connection, there is the question of understanding the features of the right to produce information in the Internet space. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the production of information in the 19th century, in the Soviet period and the present.

New Principles of Federalism: Guarantee of Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of constitutional and legal regulation of the issues of Russian federalism, namely the preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the main results of developments in the Russian Federation and in foreign states in the sphere of ensuring national sovereignty.

Categories of “Abolition” and “Derogation” of Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms in the Constitutional Doctrine of Modern Russia

Introduction. The specifics of the current stage of development of the state gives rise to the need for more and more efficient operation of one of the main legal mechanisms – the prohibition of the publication of laws that abolish or derogate the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, which is established by Part 2 of Art. 55 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Essence of Freedom of Mass Information in the Constitutional Law of Russia and Germany

Introduction. Freedom of the media is one of the indicators of the level of development of democracy in a particular state, including the Russian Federation. In order to achieve a real democratic regime in modern Russia, the need for creation of an effective framework for the implementation of constitutional freedom of the media arises. However, despite the high importance of the unhindered circulation of information in society, the concept of media freedom is currently poorly developed in Russian legal science, in contrast to German legal thought.

Constitutional and Legal Regulation of Gifted Children Education in the Russian Federation

Introduction. This article discusses the most relevant issues of gifted children education in basic and additional general educational programs. It focuses on constitutional and legal regulation of gifted children education in the Russian Federation. Discussion. The article explores the category of gifted children, reveals its essential characteristics and specifics of consolidation in national legislation. The authors analyze norms of political and legal documents and legislation in the field of education of the Russian Federation.

Securing the Right to Life of Hostages while Suppressing the Actions of Terrorists Who Seized an Aircraft or a Water Vessel

Introduction. While forming measures to ensure security, each state seeks to effectively counter terrorist activities. For this purpose, many countries, including the Russian Federation, are establishing the legislative possibility of destroying aircrafts and water vessels together with crew and passengers.

The Role of Business Associations as Civil Society Institutions in the Implementation of Public Control in Russia

Introduction. The issues of participation of public associations of entrepreneurs in the process of public control in Russia are poorly investigated. The author analyzes the powers of these nonprofit organizations in fulfilling the goals and objectives of public control, identifies the effectiveness of their activities in this area. Theoretical analysis. Public control is the inherent condition for the effective development of all spheres of life in a democratic state and civil society.

Creation of the Federal State (Comparative Historical and State-studying Analysis)

Introduction. International turbulence and instability of state policy that took place during the last decade of the global financial and economic crisis put forward supplements to research approaches to federalism. The comparative historical and state-studying analysis of federalism is becoming relevant. Theoretical analysis. It is revealed that the division of federations into contractual and constitutional ones is relevant only for studying the process of federalization, but not for the functioning of the federation.

The Constitutional Right of Everyone to Freely Produce Information in the System of Personal Information Rights

Introduction. The article deals with determining the place of the constitutional right of everyone to freely produce information in the system of personal information rights. Theoretical analysis. The author considers different approaches of scientists to the definition of “human rights in the information sphere”, “information rights”, “right of information”. The author considers correlation of the constitutional right to freely produce information with personal information rights enshrined in part 4 of Art.

Problems of Legal Regulation of Additional Guarantees for Children with Special Legal Status (Study into the Mechanism for Providing Housing for Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care)

Introduction. International legal standards of the rights of the child bind states at the domestic level to ensure that all rights of the child are respected for the purposes of their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. Orphans and children without parental care are also endowed with special rights designed to promote the best interests of the child.
