Creation of the Federal State (Comparative Historical and State-studying Analysis)
Introduction. International turbulence and instability of state policy that took place during the last decade of the global financial and economic crisis put forward supplements to research approaches to federalism. The comparative historical and state-studying analysis of federalism is becoming relevant. Theoretical analysis. It is revealed that the division of federations into contractual and constitutional ones is relevant only for studying the process of federalization, but not for the functioning of the federation. These conceptual categories reveal neither the essence of federalization, nor the content of federalism. Federalization is a complex process of establishing a federal state, which includes long-term prerequisites and short-term reasons, stages of proto-federalization. Empirical analysis. The comparative historical and state-studying analysis of the process of creating a federal state is carried out. Results. The comparative analysis of the establishment of federal states reflects practical and theoretical significance. As a result of the completion of this process, a system of constitutional-legal and socio-political coordinates is laid, the foundation of state and administrative traditions is created. The more prepared this process is from the beginning, the greater the chances for it to develop successfully are. On the contrary, the immaturity of its initial conditions can lead to certain setbacks, slow development.
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