Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


“Constitutionalization”: To the question of the concept

Introduction. The legal term of “constitutionalization” is relevant and in demand at the present stage of the constitutional development of the Russian state, as evidenced by the increasing frequency of its use in scientific works. The modern use of the term of “constitutionalization” has many meanings that are not always specified by the authors. In this connection, the definition of the essence and content of this concept has theoretical and practical significance. Theoretical analysis.

Legal regulation of the dissemination of information in social networks: Legislative innovations and prospects for law enforcement

Introduction. Social networks as a relatively new form of Internet communication are actively used to create and exchange content, disseminate socially significant information, conduct business, search for work, education, create groups of like-minded people and organize their activities.

On the doctrinal principles of family law (The case study of the principle of responsibility for violation of family law norms)

Introduction. The article proposes supplementing the system of principles of family law with a new doctrinal principle – the principle of responsibility for violations of family law. Theoretical analysis. The article explores scientific ideas about the system of principles of family law, the features of family legal responsibility, the relationship of protection measures and liability measures in family law. Result.

The idea of the right of resistance to oppression in the Eastern political, legal and religious thought

Introduction. The triumph of liberal democracy in developed countries did not reduce the protest activity of citizens, revolutions and uprisings are still a phenomenon of modern time. The issue of the essence and mechanism of exercising the right of resistance (right of rebellion, right of revolution, iusresistendi) is becoming relevant, which also requires a historical analysis of Eastern political, legal and religious thought.

Constitutional status of persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation

Introduction. The constitutional and legal status of persons who are not citizens of Russia is directly related to their political, social, personal and economic rights and freedoms.

Problems of realization of the right to use marine bioresources by the indigenous peoples of the Russian North

Introduction. The indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation received constitutional and legal status, due to which they have special guarantees, including priority access to the resources of aquatic ecosystems. The indigenous peoples of the Russian North are allowed to catch some species of mammals, which are under a special protection status, in order to maintain their traditional way of life.

Proportionality as a constitutional principle of limiting human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation allows for the possibility of restricting rights and freedoms of individuals and establishes imperative conditions (principles) for the introduction and operation of these restrictions. One of these constitutional principles is the principle of proportionality: the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen can be limited only to the extent necessary to achieve the goals specified in part 3 of Article 55. Theoretical analysis.

Social media in the context of Russian and German Constitutional Law

Introduction. The role of social media is objectively increasing in modern digital information space. They are much involved in shaping public opinion while democracy and civil society are being built and developed. Social media also contribute to the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution. In the context of globalization, the development of state legal regulation often turns to the implementation of the rules which have already been tested in other countries.

“Khrushchev Constitution”: The path of a new constitutionalism

Introduction. Scientific research on the process of preparing and developing the draft Constitution of the USSR in 1964 began to appear only in the post-Soviet period. In Soviet times, this topic was banned, and the project itself, being in the archive, was not available for research. The study of the “Khrushchev Constitution” only started in the post-Soviet period.

International legal problems of compensation for harm that does not have a specific injurer

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of compensation for damage in the absence of a specific injurer through investigating two problems of international law related to the formation of space debris and pollution of the World Ocean. Theoretical analysis. Acts of international law and the actual increase in the amount of space debris and the level of pollution of the World Ocean are studied, and proposals to reduce threats to space flights and marine bioresources are made.
