The Role of Business Associations as Civil Society Institutions in the Implementation of Public Control in Russia
Introduction. The issues of participation of public associations of entrepreneurs in the process of public control in Russia are poorly investigated. The author analyzes the powers of these nonprofit organizations in fulfilling the goals and objectives of public control, identifies the effectiveness of their activities in this area. Theoretical analysis. Public control is the inherent condition for the effective development of all spheres of life in a democratic state and civil society. Studying the norms of Russian legislation governing public control, the author notes the limited circle of its actors. As for public associations, they, according to the current legislation, are not subjects of public control, but only its participants, endowed with separate powers. Only some of these organizations have been granted additional rights in the field of public control (for example, public consumer organizations). Public associations of entrepreneurs are not among these organizations, despite the declaration of the possibility of participation of public associations in other forms of public control in the Federal Law “On the Basics of Public Control in the Russian Federation”. Empirical analysis. The author analyzed: materials of judicial practice on issues related to the possibility of challenging public associations of entrepreneurs with decisions and actions of state and other bodies and organizations; reports on the activities of public associations of entrepreneurs with a view to fulfilling the functions of public control. Results. The author proposes to amend the current legislation regarding streamlining and expanding the rights of public associations of entrepreneurs in the implementation of public control. It is necessary to recognize public associations as subjects of public control; provide the opportunity to file lawsuits with the All-Russian public associations of entrepreneurs in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of their members; consider the possibility of creating an advisory body to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the government of the Russian Federation, consisting of members of business communities, representatives of workers.
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