Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Jus Naturale and Roman Law: Issues of Correlation

Introduction. The issue of the relationship of jus naturalle, that is, as Samuel Pufendorf rightly claims, the same age as the human race and was formed within the framework of ancient Greek law, and Roman law, which is considered the pinnacle of ancient law, is the object of the study in the present article. Currently, many philosophers, lawyers, who try to understand this problem, agree that jus naturalle had a direct and significant impact on the content of Roman law. Purpose.

Ways and Means of Implementation of the Duty to Provide Legal Education: A Regional Perspective

Introduction. The article deals with the analysis of regional legislation on consolidation of the duty of state bodies to provide legal education and legal information. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the legal structures of consolidation of the right to legal education and legal information and legal obligations of state bodies, available in regional regulations.

Essence of the Principle of Legal Definiteness: In Search of Constitutional and Legal Sense

Introduction. The article analyzes the principle of legal definiteness from the perspective of the role or function it performs in a legal system. Theoretical analysis. The article highlights that the category of “legal definiteness” cannot essentially be reduced to the concept of “definiteness of law” since it refers not only to the system of law, but also to a legal system in general.

Questions of Legislative Regulation to Effectively Ensure Information Support of Public Control

Introduction. Public control is a mechanism with the help of which civil society influences the activities of government authorities. An important element of public control is to provide free access of citizens to the information about the subjects, objects and forms of public control, and a broad discussion of its results. Theoretical analysis.

Merit as a Social and Legal Phenomena and Concept: Definition, Material and Legal Attributes (Part 2)

Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of the nature and content of the concept of «merit» in premium law. Discussion. The author of the article has attempted to determine the essence of merit, which is a combination of attributes, on the basis of which merit acts as an independent socio-legal phenomenon. The main and additional social and legal features of merit were investigated, the concept of a meta-model of meritorious behavior was introduced.

Consolidation of the Principles of Electoral Law in the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article deals with the legal regulation of the universal principles of the electoral law of the Russian Federation: the principle of universal suffrage, the principle of equal suffrage, the principle of direct suffrage and the principle of secret ballot. Theoretical analysis. These principles are fully regulated by the federal legislation. However, the current Constitution of the Russian Federation consolidates them only in respect of the election of the President of the Russian Federation.

Legal Regulation of Establishment of Administrative Responsibility by Territorial Subjects of the Russian Federation

Introduction. The administrative responsibility, which is traditionally in the center of attention of administrative and legal science in modern conditions, acts as the universal mechanism protecting law and order and the public relations in various spheres of public and state life. Discussion. Laws on administrative responsibility are an integral part of the legislation of a territorial subject of the Russian Federation and provide implementation of those rules which are established at the regional level.

Constitutional Regulation of Economic Relations in Foreign Countries: History and Modernity

Introduction. The constitutional regulation is considered as an impact of a constitution on the most essential aspects of life in society. Singling out common features of the constitutional regulation, “generations of constitutions” does not resolve an issue of existence of the common and special features in formulation of the principles of functioning of various systems, including economic relations, in constitutions of various periods. Theoretical analysis.

Constitutional Regulation of Restriction of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation

Introduction. Elections are one of the basic values of democracy; they provide citizens with the opportunity to participate in the administration of state affairs. Theoretical analysis. The Constitution of Russia of 1993 in article 32 enshrines the electoral rights of Russian citizens – the right to elect (active suffrage) and the right to be elected (passive electoral right) to state and local government bodies. In the same article, the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes restrictions on the electoral rights of Russian citizens.

The Analysis of Some Doctrines of Law in the Light of the Present

Introduction. The object of the research in the article is the question of essence of law in modern science. The author in the research is guided by the analysis of various political and legal doctrines of law and state, allocating natural and legal, historical, normativity, psychological, sociological, Marxist-Leninist, realistic schools of law. Theoretical analysis. Emergence of this or that school of law is proved by political, economic and cultural changes taking place during a particular historical period.
