Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Problems of recognition and protection of copyright when using works created by means of artificial intelligence

Introduction. Advanced artificial intelligence technology (hereinafter referred to as AI) is being actively introduced around the world, which also poses legal problems for the copyright institution. An urgent task of copyright law is the need to develop positions on the recognition of copyright in works created with the help of AI, and their protection for further use. Theoretical analysis. In the international and Russian law, there are problems in determining the legal status of AI as an object, subject, or quasi-subject of law.

The concept and principles of social responsibility in the moral and legal dimension

Introduction. The article analyzes doctrinal definitions of social responsibility and its principles, constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Theoretical analysis. It is emphasized that in scientific literature the predominant attention is paid to corporate social responsibility. The author solidarizes with the position according to which social responsibility is the most important condition for sustainable development of the state.

Symbols of judicial power and rituals of justice: Their prospects in the context of digitalization

Introduction. Digitalization, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has significantly influenced the development of public power and law, triggering the transformation of many state-legal institutions, processes, and legal relations. The judicial system was no exception: it was one of the first to begin to modernize when, in the realities of covid lockdown, the administration of justice switched to a remote format. Problem statement.

On improving the pension system in the Russian Federation

Introduction. Pension legislation has undergone major changes over the past two decades. The changes were aimed at improving the quality of well-being of citizens of retirement age. At the same time, the uncodified and unsystematic nature of pension legislation creates certain obstacles to the realization of the pension rights. The pension legislation system needs fundamental changes to ensure effective social guarantees for pensioners. Theoretical analysis.

Analysis of the decisions of the Constitutional Court on the verification of the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Land Code of the Russian Federation

Introduction. Citizens’ rights to land are guaranteed by a number of provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the powers aimed at their implementation are enshrined in the land legislation, primarily in the Land Code of the Russian Federation, which is the country’s basic law on land.

To a Question on Features of Development of the Family Right of the USSR (in the field of protection of motherhood and the childhood) in 1930–1940th Years

Clause reflects the basic moments in development of the family right (in the field of protection of motherhood and the childhood) in 30–40th years of XX century, shows serious changes in the family right, caused by war and necessity to improve demographic conditions in the country.

To a Question on Essence of the Social State

Research of the concept of «the social state» is traditional for a legal science. In the scientific article attempt of judgement of essence of the social state, its functions and principles of activity in view of experience of foreign countries is undertaken.

Some Aspects of the Necessity of the Introduction of the Idea «Virtual Subject of Crime» in the Theory of the Criminal Law

The article is devoted to the problem of disagreement between theoretical and practical approaches to definition of crime subject, which is not material, and the necessity to introduce into the criminal law theory the notion of cyber crime subject.

Questions of Historical Development of the Legal Duty`s Institute

The article is devoted to analysis of the development of the legal duty’s institute. The author uses historical method. The author pays attention to the fact that in the beginning of the civilization’s development there were no differences between the rights and duties. But later this conceptions were divided. Nowadays there is very important opinion that legal duties are necessary like rights. 

Legal Regulation of Distance Educational Technologies` Usage

The article is devoted to the question of distance educational technologies` usage in different institutions. The author formulates the definition of the distance educational technologies, defines the laws, which regulates their application, lacks of legislative base in this sphere and ways of decision. 
