Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Transformation of Law under the Influence of Digital Technologies: New Requirements to Training of Lawyers

Introduction. The article looks at how development of technologies is influencing and might influence the processes of law enforcement and law-making in the future and what changes in legal training it will require. Theoretical analysis. Nowadays, the use of modern digital technologies in the sphere of public management involves emergence of a number of the problems connected with inflexibility of machine regulation and inevitable mistakes in functioning of these technologies.

Merit as a Social and Legal Phenomena and Concept: Definition, Material and Legal Attributes (Part 1)

Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of the nature and content of the concept of «merit» in premium law. Discussion. The author of the article has attempted to determine the essence of merit, which is a combination of attributes, on the basis of which merit acts as an independent socio-legal phenomenon. The main and additional social and legal features of merit were investigated, the concept of a meta-model of meritorious behavior was introduced.

The Prohibition of Discrimination Based on “Attitude to Religion” – a Guarantee of Realization of the Constitutional Principle of Equality of Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen, Regardless of Attitudes Towards Religion in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article considers the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of “attitude to religion” in the context of the content of the constitutional principle of equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen regardless of attitude to religion. Discussion. The author of the article attempts to determine the legal nature of the prohibition of discrimination based on “attitude to religion”.

The Constitutional Right of Everyone to Freely Produce Information: Concept and Essence

Introduction. The article deals with a complex analysis of the constitutional legal regulation of the right of everyone to produce information. Theoretical analysis. The author considers various approaches of scientists to the content of the right to information. The right to produce information is generally considered as one of the warrants of the right to information. There is no concept of the production of information in Russian legislation, but at the same time, synonymous terms are used.

Legal Nature and Content of Constitutional Category of "Health Condition" of a Person

Introduction. The article is devoted to a complex analysis of the legal nature and constitutional essence of the category of “state of health” of a person. Discussion. The “state of health” of a person is a constitutional category, is reflected in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, a number of federal constitutional and current laws, and widely used in various branches of law.

Concept and Content of Customs Administration in the Eurasian Economic Union

Introduction. Modern realities require that customs authorities should improve the quality of customs administration. However, despite the wide use of this concept, its content is still not clearly defined either at the level of legislation or in the scientific literature. Purpose. The main goal of the work is to study the concept and content of customs administration, which is especially important in the context of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Legal Provision of Lawyers and Political Scientists’ Training under the Introduction of Professional Standards

Introduction. This article is devoted to the analysis of problems of legal provision of training for higher educated specialists in the field of jurisprudence and political science. These problems are primarily related to the improvement of the quality of higher education and the implementation of popular educational programmes by educational institutions of higher education focused on the particular economic sector and employers’ interests.

Features of the Application of the Universal Criteria of Science in Law

Introduction. Universal scientific criteria have their own specific application in law, this is due to at least two circumstances. First, universal scientific criteria are developed in the conditions of the classical philosophical picture of the world, and the question of revision of the system of universal scientific criteria was actualized in the era of post-non-classical philosophy, since not all of them are able to “work” in irrational conditions.

Features of Detection of Handprints on Firearms and Cartridges

Introduction. Firearms and ammunition are traditionally complex objects for fingerprint identification research. Theoretical analysis. The possibilities of modern laboratory methods for detecting handprints on firearms and ammunition are discussed. It is noted that the most effective method is the vacuum deposition of thin metal films, as well as cyanoacrylic acid esters in vacuum.

Possibilities of Integrated Research into Traces and Damages Arising from Application of Electric Shock Devices

Introduction. In the investigation of criminal cases involving the use of electroshock devices (ESD), it becomes necessary to use special knowledge to determine the nature and mechanism of damage to a person’s body and clothing due to electric shock. The specificity of damage formation leads to the use of special knowledge in the form of expert studies. Such studies are possible in the form of a comprehensive forensic medical examination or in the form of a complex of forensic and forensic studies (examinations).
