Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


A Probabilistic Assessment of the Complexes of Combined Traces in Secondary Tracks on Fired Bullets

Introduction. The paper analyzes the effectiveness of the application of the method of successively matching traces (CMS method) and the probabilistic method for substantiating the forensic identity of the overlapping secondary traces on fired bullets. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical foundations of the CMS method and the probabilistic method are considered. It is shown that the second method is formed on the basis of two mutually complementary probabilistic models.

Judicial and Ballistic Examination Information Support

Introduction. Weapons are widely used in crimes. Firearms, firearms of limited destruction seized by law enforcement agencies, gas, pneumatic weapons, cartridges for the specified types of weapons, traces of a shot on various obstacles, fired bullets and other shells, fired cartridges are among the main objects of forensic ballistic examination. Theoretical analysis. Forensic ballistic expertise is carried out strictly in accordance with the expert methods.

Research into Morphological Signs Arising When Shooting from Snoothbore Hunting Weapon at Glass from Triplex

Introduction. Automobile windshields act as objects of research in various categories of cases – criminal, civil, etc. The information obtained in the study of such objects is of important evidentiary value. From the forensic point of view, the windshields of automobiles, which are made of triplex and have physico-mechanical and consumer characteristics that are different from ordinary glasses, are of the greatest interest. Theoretical analysis.

Identification of Similar Images of Breech Face Impressions by the Correlation Cells Method

Introduction. The current task of forensic ballistic identification is to investigate the breech face impressions on the firing cartridge cases. The paper deals with comparison of images of breech face impressions by correlation cells method. Theoretical analysis. Similarity of images of investigated impressions can be established by a method of the correlation analysis. However, this method is ineffective, because the correlation coefficient is dominated by areas that do not contain useful information.

Regularities of Traces Formation on the Reloaded Cases During the Discharge of a Firearm

Introduction. In connection with legalization of autonomous cartridges loading to the rifled firearm, the matter of forensic examination of reloaded cases is growing more urgent. Objectives. The research is aimed at studying the regularities of trace formation on the reloaded cases during the shot from the firearm in order to diagnose the technique of cartridges producing, these cases being the cartridges parts. Experimental part.

The Study of Traces on Spent Cartridges from Modern Modifications of Individual Models of Automatic Pistols

Introduction. One of the main ways to identify weapons in a forensic examination is to study the traces left on the cartridges. As a result of the examination, it is possible to receive answers to questions related to the model and a specific weapon. In this regard, information on traces and trace details for new models of firearms and the latest modifications of well-known models becomes relevant (manufacturers update the produced weapon approximately every 5–10 years).

Current Issues of Forensic Investigation of Traces on Bullets and Cartridge Cases Formed During the Shot of Civilian Firearms Manufactured on the Basis of Combat Samples

Introduction. This article deals with some issues of forensic investigation of civilian firearms manufactured based on combat samples: features of trace formation on bullets and cartridge case design changes of the original models (samples) of the firearms. The authors highlight the problem of the lack of a literary base and illustrative material, necessary for carrying out diagnostic research of traces on bullets and cartridge cases formed when fired from civilian firearms manufactured on the basis of samples of military weapons.

The Need for the Development of Basic Provisions and the Conceptual Terminological Apparatus of the Scientific and Practical Knowledge in New Sphere of “Pseudo-Legal Turnover of Potentially Dangerous Materials, Substances and Products...”

Introduction. The article is devoted to the issues of pseudolegal turnover of potentially dangerous materials, substances and products as a source of formation of means of mass destruction of people while committing crimes of sabotage and terrorist orientation. Theoretical analysis. The causes and genesis of the pseudo-legitimate turnover of edged weapons, barrelled gas weapon and firearms, new psychoactive substances with nonspecific increased toxicity or other pronounced damaging features are revealed in detail.

Current Issues of the Criminalistic Classification of the Self-made Firearms

Introduction. The development of small weapon and structurally similar products, their use for criminal purposes force forensic science and practice to make adjustments to the forensic classification system of firearms over and over again. Theoretical analysis. In forensic ballistics, firearms are classified according to their purpose, type, method of production, barrel length, barrel channel device, number of barrels, etc. By the method of manufacture, groups of factory, artisanal and improvised firearms are distinguished.

The Need for a Complex Scientific and Methodological Approach in Organizing Forensic Ballistic Research

Introduction. The article touches upon the issues related to the need to implement a methodological relationship between judicial ballistic examination and one of the subtypes of medical and forensic examinations – forensic ballistic research, in forensic examinations and in conducting scientific research and methodological developments, and in professional training of specialists, which is expressed, first of all, in ensuring the uniformity of the conceptual and terminological apparatus and algorithms of forensic experts research facilities not related
