Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Information Support of Public Control in the Russian Federation: System and Legal Analysis

Introduction. This article deals with issues related to the study of the role and importance of information in the system of public control. The studies the features of the regulatory and legal consolidation of information support for public control activities, including focusing on the main areas of information exchange between subjects and objects of the type of control under consideration. Purpose. The main purpose of the work is to study the role and place of information in the process of organization and implementation of public control.

Further Discussion about the Purpose of the Law According to the Views of R. Ihering

Introduction. The eminent German jurist Rudolf von Ihering is the founder of the realistic doctrine of law and the state, the essence of which is to find a balance between “broad” legal thinking and normative. Therefore, the urgency and practical significance of the realistic theory of law, which at the present stage needs continuity and reproduction in the context of the study of the “goal” in law as a phylosophical-legal category, is not accidental. Purpose.

The Person and Citizen Rights and Freedoms Restriction in the Conditions of the Martial Law in the Russian Federation

Introduction. Two modes of implementation of the government – ordinary (usual) and extraordinary are fixed in constitutions of the states (special legal, extraordinary). The basis for introduction of the extraordinary mode is internal or external threat to the constitutional system of the state, to existence of the state. The purpose of introduction of the extraordinary mode is restoration of the constitutional law and order. A necessary element of the extraordinary mode is establishment of restrictions of the rights and personal freedoms.

The President’s Role in Preserving Sovereignty, Independence and National Integrity in Foreign Countries

Introduction. The preservation of sovereignty, independence and national integrity is one of the main functions of any state because it is directly connected to the state’s existence and purpose. This function is exercised by means of carefully coordinated work of all governmental entities, led by the head of state. In countries with a republican form of government the President is considered the head of state.

Criminal Defense of the Legal Professional Activities of Journalists: Theoretical and Practical Issues

Introduction. In the information society framework mass media fulfil a number of significant social functions. That leads to provision of governmental and legal guarantees for mass media and journalists. Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is one of these guarantees, and the article stipulates liability for impeding legal professional activities of journalists. Purpose.

The Administrative Instruments of State Regulation of Export (for Example Oil and Oil Products)

Introduction. The primary task of the state is to support national exporters in foreign markets. For this purpose, various instruments of regulation, primarily of an administrative nature. Characteristics of Russian exports are fuel-raw material orientation, which causes the strong dependence of revenues of the Federal budget from fluctuations in world prices for hydrocarbons. Purpose.

Presumption of Information Reliability in State Information Systems

Introduction. In modern conditions, the role of public information systems as a special tool for influencing public relations is increasing in various spheres related to public administration. In this regard, it is relevant to study the legal regime of such systems and, in particular, the legal regime of information that constitutes their information resource. Theoretical analysis. In accordance with the law, information contained in government information systems is official.

On the Path to Political-Legal Development of the Information Society: “The Strategy of Information Society Development in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030“

Introduction. The article deals with the analysis of the political and legal model of the information society from the “Strategy of information society development in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030”. The information society theory offers a very abstract idea of its object. These representations are specified and detailed in doctrinal documents, depending on the current phase of social and technological progress. Evolution of information relations creates new risks to sustainable state-legal development.

Global Informatization as the Content and Means of Realization of External Functions of the State

Introduction. A significant part of the research phenomena of social life, including the state-legal sphere, contains an appeal to the effects of globalization processes on the course of their development, determining positive effects, as well as the conditions and means of minimizing negative effects. Informatization, being global in nature condition for the functioning of modern society, has an impact on the scope of implementation of the external functions of the state both within the country and in the international arena.

Tо the Question about the Purpose of Law According to the Views of R. Ihering

Introduction. A German lawyer Rudolf von Ihering (it. Rudolf von Jhering, August 22, 1818, Aurich – September 17, 1892, Göttingen) is the founder of the realist theory of law and state, the essence of which involves the direct implementation of scientific postulates to the realities of life, and thus to strive to combine theory and practice.
