Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The Importance of Human Rights in Islamic Law

Introduction. The democratization of the Arab East determined the need to consolidate human rights in the modern constitutions of many Islamic States. So only at the end of the twentieth century, the role of human rights in Islam and their impacts on the Islamic population, as well as the problem of the relation of human rights in Islamic law with universal human rights and freedoms became the object of scientific research. This is due to several reasons.

Unification of Law: Concept, Forms and Methods (In the Context of the Research of Unification of Civil Procedural Law)

Introduction. Unification of law is a necessary and natural activity of its development. It provides law with the property of consistency and wholeness, simplifies the application of legal norms in resolving of real life situations. At the present moment legal science lacks a common understanding of the process of unification of law and a deep investigation of its forms, methods and techniques. Research. Unification is on one of the law development trends that represents a change of its content.

Problems of Determination of the Term "Cultural Values" in the Legislation of Russia

Introduction. Now legal regulation of the relations as which object cultural values act is performed by a number of the regulatory legal acts relating to various industries of the right. Implementation of legal relationship which object are cultural values meets some difficulties connected with imperfection of legal regulation of turnover of the specified object of the rights. Purpose. The main objective of work consists in theoretical judgment of the concept “cultural values” and development of recommendations about enhancement of legal regulation.

Legal Regulation of Protection of the Girls’ Rights in Public Events Modern Russia

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of protection of the girls’ rights in our country. This category of children demands particular protection due to the biological characteristics and the huge role of the formation of their mental, moral and physical health for the future of the planet. Discussion. The author investigates the international law which poses the problem of protecting the rights of the girls.

Free Development of a Person as a Condition of the Modern Social State

Introduction. Social justice as an axiological characteristic of a modern state is on the national and international agendas. The major functions of the social state in Russia, that reveal its essence and are stipulated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are the decent life and free development of a person. The constitutional law research does not provide a uniform opinion concerning determinant importance of the given categories for the social state.

Features of “Risk” and its Manifestation in the Performance of the Court’s Procedural Duties

Introduction. Solving specific social and important tasks, industry legislation and law enforcement practice did not develop a unified approach to the definition of “risk”, which is predetermined by its versatility and its ambiguous interpretation in scientific works and modern legislation. The aim of the study is to develop theoretical provisions that reveal the features of risk in civil proceedings.

Legal Problems of Interaction between the State and Political Parties in Modern Russia

Introduction. The article substantiates the judgment about the lack of regulation of the issue of interaction between the state and political parties: the law stipulates neither the principles nor the form, nor the order, nor the sphere of interaction of political parties with the state. There is no mechanism for taking into account and implementing the recommendations and proposals of political parties in the state management sphere, which makes it impossible for political parties to have a real impact on state policy.

The Category of “Public Control” in the Constitutional Legislation of Foreign States

Introduction. This article analyzes the constitutional legislation of foreign countries for the existence of a normative consolidation of the category of “public control” in it. The article studies the legal and technical approaches to determining the content of this concept, applied in foreign countries, as well as general and specific features of the institutionalization of public control in national legal systems.

The Legal Regime of State and Municipal Information Systems

Introduction. State and municipal information systems are the most important tools for building the platform of e-government and of the digital economy. Systemic study and improvement of their legal support is possible through the category of “legal regime”. Theoretical analysis. Administrative and object legal regimes are singled out. The legal regime of information systems refers to the objective ones.

“Legal Category” as a Tool of Scientific Knowledge (on the Example of “Land” as a Category of Constitutional Law)

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the “legal category” as an independent methodological method, with the help of which the process of cognition of legal phenomena takes place. The conclusions are adapted on the “ground” as a constitutional-legal category. Purpose. The main goal is to determine the methodological role of the “legal category” in the process of cognition of individual constitutional and legal phenomena and processes. Results.
