For citation:
Berdnikova E. V. Information Support of Public Control in the Russian Federation: System and Legal Analysis. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 106-111. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2018-18-1-106-111
Information Support of Public Control in the Russian Federation: System and Legal Analysis
Introduction. This article deals with issues related to the study of the role and importance of information in the system of public control. The studies the features of the regulatory and legal consolidation of information support for public control activities, including focusing on the main areas of information exchange between subjects and objects of the type of control under consideration. Purpose. The main purpose of the work is to study the role and place of information in the process of organization and implementation of public control. Results. Analyzed the Russian regulatory and legal framework governing issues related to information support for public control activities. Shows the practical implementation of the principles of openness and publicity in the process of functioning as subjects of public control, and its objects. Particular attention is paid to researching the legal provision of access to information on the activities of public authorities, identifying its main areas, such as the organization of official websites, state information resources, the provision of official information on the requests of citizens and organizations, access to meetings of public authorities, etc. Сonclusion. The present time the necessary regulatory and legal framework has been created in the Russian Federation that provides information openness to public authorities, which is considered to be the most important and one of the main conditions for the implementation of public control. However, in a number of cases there are violations of the requirements of the current legislation, which is most often manifested in the sphere of organization of work of official websites of public authorities, and therefore additional monitoring of the compliance of the organizational and regulatory components of access to information is required.
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