Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Constitutional and Legal Mechanism of Public Power in Crimea: Problems and Tendencies of Development

Introduction. In modern conditions one of the promising areas of research is the analysis of the constitutional-legal development of new subjects of the Russian Federation – Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, including the problems and tendencies of development of constitutional legal mechanism of public power. Theoretical analysis.

Delegation of Authority to the Executive Authorities of the Russian Federation

Introduction. In modern conditions, the Institute of delegation acts as one of the most promising directions of increase of efficiency of the of activity of executive bodies. It promotes decentralization of management, ensures the transfer of authority to the level where they can be most completely implemented. Theoretical analysis. Out of the variety of concepts associated with delegation of authority process, advocated the need for a «delegation of authority» category as a generic term covering all types of delegation.

Legal Regulation of Pre-election Campagning in the Internet

Introduction. Current development of information technologies facilitates pre-election campaigning with the help of top-notch mass media, such as the Internet. That greatly boosts distribution of misleading information, materials and messages discrediting candidates, as well as manipulation of social consciousness. Purpos. The research aims at analyzing topical issues of legal regulation of pre-election campaigning in the Internet and working out a set of recommendations that improve corresponding norms of the electoral legislation. Results.

Modern Constitutional-Legal Regulation of the Organization and Activity of Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to Russia

Introduction. RF President occupies a leading place in the system of Russian power. RF Constitution in art. 80 determines the RF status of the President as head of state, whose responsibilities include security, coordination and control of the most important areas of public administration: the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, coordinated functioning and interaction public authorities.

On Mediation and Legal Culture Interconnections

Introduction. Along with other alternative means for dispute settlement the institute of mediation is a feature of a sophisticated civil society, an indicator of high-level legal culture and mature economic exchange, crucial criterion of a democratic development. Meanwhile there is no widespread application of mediative procedures in Russia. Purpose.

Issues Turnover of Cultural Property as an Object of Intellectual Property

Introduction. When considering the cultural values as the object of intellectual property is revealed a number of contentious issues arising, in particular, of the shortcomings of civil-legal regulation of their turnover. Purpose. The main purpose is to identify these problems and rationale to resolve conflicts between the provisions of civil law. Results. The right to disclosure of a work in the system of copyright, implies, in particular, and the displaying of cultural values.

The Legal Status of the Legislature in the Mechanism of Implementation of the External Functions of the State

Introduction. Analysis of the current Russian legislation shows that the system of bodies of external functions of the state and the bases of their legal status laid down primarily in the Constitution. Further the right to regulate the status in the current legislation (laws and regulations) stipulating the competence of the various actors in the interaction with foreign states and international organizations.

Constitutional Law of Military Servicemen for Housing: Questions of Legal Regulation and Implementation

Introduction. Military personnel belongs to the category of citizens to whom granting premises by the state is guaranteed. Guarantees of the housing rights of the military personnel are caused by their special status.In this article, the author focuses on the special status of servicemen and the realization of their right to housing. Discussion. Special legal status of the military personnel means legislative restriction of some of their rights and freedoms and also granting additional measures of social support.

The Restrictions and the Bans Connected with Implementation of Powers of the Judge

Introduction. In article the requirements to judges and also to candidates for the judge’s position provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation are considered. Similar requirements inherently represent the system of restrictions of constitutional rights of the person and citizen. Theoretical analysis.

The Concept and the Content of the Constitutional Principle of Equality of Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen, Regardless of Attitudes towards Religion

Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of the essence of the constitutional principle of equality of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen regardless of their attitude to religion. Discussion. The author of the article made an attempt to determine the legal nature of the constitutional principle of equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of their attitude to religion, to define. The criterion of discrimination is “attitude to religion”.
