Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Article type: 
340.143; 304.42

On the Path to Political-Legal Development of the Information Society: “The Strategy of Information Society Development in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030“

Tikhonova Sophia Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

Introduction. The article deals with the analysis of the political and legal model of the information society from the “Strategy of information society development in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030”. The information society theory offers a very abstract idea of its object. These representations are specified and detailed in doctrinal documents, depending on the current phase of social and technological progress. Evolution of information relations creates new risks to sustainable state-legal development. They affect the project construction of the information society. The main objective is the analysis of a new model of the information society, its elements, associated with the adoption of the “Doctrine of information security” that reflect changes in the understanding of the state goals and objectives in a digital world and refined “Strategy of information society development in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030”. Methods. The author used systemic, structural-functional approaches, formal-legal and comparative methods. Results. The author explores the principles, definitions, goals and objectives of the new document. Special attention is paid to introducing in Strategy-2017 the system of concepts: offer their classification and determine the instrumental relations between them. The author identifies the innovations in the information society interpretation, define their ideological and doctrinal sources, and relate it and the general teleology of the document. An important feature of the Strategy-2017 is not only the formation of positive model of the information society defined as a knowledge society, but also the offered negative model. The last is generated as a result of the efforts of the geopolitical rivals of the Russian Federation. Discussion. The Strategy-2017 statements are not only aimed at solving problems of technological security, accelerated economic development and modernization of the social sphere. They are focused on large-scale improvement of legislation that allows evaluating the Strategy-2017 as a Manifesto of political and legal development in the digital age.

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