Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Administrative Justice and Administrative Judicial Proceedings in the Russian Federation

Introduction. Development of administrative law is one of the most controversial question in the Russian Federation. Over the past decade administrative legal relations and statutory acts were changed. One of the main innovation is the Code of administrative judicial proceedings. However insufficient development of the administrative theory leads to theoretical confusion. Concepts such as «administrative justice» and «administrative judicial proceedings» became a competitors.

Principles of Limitation of Constitutional Rights under the Special Political and Legal Regime

Introduction. The article investigates the purposes and principles of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the limitations of citizens of the Republic of Iraq in emergency legal regimes. The author deals with the problems arising from the establishment and application restrictions. On the basis of the existing constitutional practice the necessity of leveling the negative consequences of the introduction and implementation of the legal regime of emergency by the state. Discussion.

The Constitutional Principle of Equality of Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen, Regardless of the State of Human Health: Foreign and Domestic Experience of Legislative Consolidation

Introduction. The article is devoted to the issue of legislative consolidation of the principle of equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of health status in the foreign and Russian legislation. Discussion. Analysis of foreign constitutions allowed defining a specific aspect of the standard of equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of health status, which is in Russian domestic law enshrined only in the federal laws.

Legal Advantages and Restrictions in System of Regulation of the Labour Relations

Introduction. In modern state and legal and economic conditions as one of the perspective directions of increase of efficiency of employment relationships, eradication of discrimination use not imperative (regulations instructions, restrictions, prohibitions), and residuary rules acts. The regulations benefits assuming establishment for certain subjects of privileges and privileges concern to the last. Theoretical analysis.

The Principle of Priority of Protection of Land as a Component of Environmental Environment before it Can Be Used as a Real Estate and Its Implementation in Judicial Practice

Introduction. In article one of the basic principles of the land right mentioned in Art. 1 of the Land code of the Russian Federation, the fixing priority of protection of the earth as the most important component of the environment and means of production in agricultural industry and forestry before use of the earth as a fast estate is investigated. Theoretical analysis. This principle means that possession, use and the order of the earth are carried out by owners of the land plots freely if it does not cause an environmental damage.

Legal Nature Penalties in the Tax And Customs Law

Introduction. Due to the growing problem of improper fulfillment of tax obligations and incomplete and / or late payment of customs duties and taxes, there is a need in-depth study of fine institution as a way to ensure the fulfillment of tax obligations in tax law, as well as a measure of responsibility for late or incomplete payment of customs duties in the customs law for the proper execution of tax payers, taxes and customs duties corresponding responsibilities. Purpose.

Analytical Overview of the Contents of Criminal Punishment the Example of the Arrest: Theses

Introduction. There is a theory according to which the criminal penalties content is determined by a system of restrictions and deprivation prescribed specific punishment, in our opinion, does not hold water.

Information Support (Advanced Technologies) as a Means to Improve the Efficiency of the Execution of Acts

Introduction. In today’s world there is a trend change in the existing and creation of new civil procedural means in the enforcement proceedings, due to the rapid development of economic relations and technological advances. The article investigates the new civil procedural means – modern technology – as a means of improving the efficiency of enforcement proceedings. Currently selected topic insufficiently developed by scientists, every day there are new technical features that are not applicable without translation into legal language. Results.

The Social Security Men in the Area of Family Relationships in Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights

Introduction. Article is devoted to research of practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights concerning implementation by men of their social rights on an equal basis with women. Discussion.

Compensation of Distortions on Digital Images of Traces of the Weapon on the Shot Bullets Caused by Curvature of the Studied Surface

Introduction. The purpose of work is: an assessment of distortions of images of traces on the shot bullets caused by curvature of the studied surface; working off of a technique of compensation of distortions. Theoretical analysis. Nodal point method was selected for the evaluation of image distortion and compensation. The method is based on the principle that each nodal point in the distorted image must comply with clearly known one anchor point to the undistorted image.
