Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The Development of Law Communication Study in Russia: Problems and Prospects

Introduction. The article deals with the analysis of a new interdisciplinary research field formation in Russia – law communication studies. Theoretical analysis. Formation of communication studies in the space of domestic humanities began in the post-Soviet period and was associated with the reception of the Western models of methodological and institutional organization of knowledge about communication. In Russia the introduction of communicative problems in the educational process was quite fast.

Development of Electoral Legislation on Secret Ballot in Pre-Revolutionary and Soviet Russia

Introduction. The electoral legislation of the Russian state at various stages of its development enshrines the open or secret ballot in elections to bodies of state authority and local self-government. Purpose. The main purpose is to analyze the development of the electoral legislation of the secret ballot in pre-revolutionary Russia and throughout the Soviet period. Results. Legal consolidation of the principle of the secret ballot took place in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Practice as a Compulsory Element of the Educational Process at University: the Problems of Normative Support

Introduction. This article discusses the topical questions which are connected with the organization and practice in the educational organization of higher education. The article focuses on problematic issues of normative support of the practice as a compulsory element of the educational process in Higher Education Institution. Purpose. The main goal of the article is to study student practice in Higher Education Institution from the point of view of the analysis of normative regulation of its content and results. Results.

Constitutional Basis of the State Policy of the Russian Federation with Regard to Cultural Heritage

Introduction. In modern conditions, one of the important areas of national development is acknowledged state cultural policy, including with regard to cultural heritage, designed to ensure priority of cultural and human development as the foundation of economic prosperity, national sovereignty and civilizational identity of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis.

Protection of Human Rights in the Activities of Legislative (Representative) Bodies of State Power of Subjects of the Russian Federation

Introduction. Protection of rights and freedoms is one of the most important activities of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The paper analyzes constitutional legal regulation of the rights and freedoms in the activity of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Normative Bases of Legalization of Non Jurisdictional Process

Introduction. Globalization and regionalizations of social and economic communications caused contradictory changes in legal system of the Russian Federation. It is receive an ambiguous assessment in legal science and practice. So there is an introduction of not traditional categories for jurisprudence in legal practice, one of which is non jurisdictional process. Theoretical analysis. The formation of the concept of the normative bases of non jurisdictional process will promote detection of dependences between rules of legislation and its practice.

A Brief Overview of the Materials I International Scientific-practical Conference «The Right to Judicial Protection: a Comparative Legal Analysis of the Civil Procedure Code, Arbitration Procedure Code, the Code of Administrative Procedure»


March 30, 2016 at the Faculty of National Research Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky I International scientific - practical conference of Skye ' right to judicial protection : a comparative legal analysis of the howling of the CPC RF , the APC RF , RF CAS " . Catalysts are currently published key review tezisyvystupleny main participants.

Managing the Process of Identification the Human Using the Porescopical Features of the Fingerprints

Introduction. Statistical managing of processes and making the decisions based on facts are the basic requirements of the international standards of ISO 9000 quality system, which can be made using the introduction of statistical methods. Implementation of corrective actions to improve the quality of products is an essential component of the statistical management, in any other case, the application of statistical methods is less effective. Methods.

Guns of the Internal Forces: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Introduction. In light of recent events, security sector reform, the issue of security becomes particularly relevant. The development of small arms is not in place. The troops received new samples of the weapon, thereby sending to the history of the predecessors. Theoretical analysis. The paper presents a technical description of the guns, standing ever in service of internal troops of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from the date of their formation. Comparative characteristics of the samples.

Mechanism of Traceformation on Cases During Reloading when Repeated Use

Introduction. Recently in expert practice there registered the instances of using homemade reloaded rifled weapon cartridges. Purposes and tasks. To consider the problems of traceformation when reloading cases. To reveal on the reloaded cases the productive facilities significant traces available for forensic expert examination. To describe stepwise the reloading process and the equipment used. Experimental part.
