Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The laws of the synergetic eff ects emergence in Russian economy

Introduction. Modern economy is dynamic and consists of various actions of business entities that can lead to the emergence of synergetic eff ects. There are patterns that gradually turn into laws of the synergetic eff ects occurrence. To analyze and systematize these laws is an important research task. This is the relevance of the research topic. Theoretical analysis. There are several aspects of the emergence and functioning of synergetic eff ects: the time trend, the criteria of optimality and positivity.

The dialogue about the new economic policy: J. M. Keynes and V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin

Introduction. It is particularly interesting to study the achievements of outstanding personalities on the world scale, those who made a signifi cant contribution to economic science, played a crucial role in the international history of politics and economic activity, laid the prerequisites for the formation of original schools of economic thought, which were named after their founders. Such personalities were John Maynard Keynes and Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin. Methods and concepts.

Formation of the Innovative Business Environment in the Russian Federation

Article is devoted features of formation of an innovative business environment in the Russian conditions. The innovative business environment is, now, at a formation stage, therefore practically there is not is innovative-active population, stimulation of innovators to business, businessmen to active introduction of innovations in manufacture, the mechanism of a birth of innovations, their conclusion to the market and introductions in manufacture.

Transformation Social-economic Maintenance of Consumption in the Information Economy

The article is devoted to the reproduction, information, innovative approaches to transformation of social-economic content consumption From these positions are investigated changes in the role, structure, functions of consumption, its subjects and objects, forms of implementation and results, taking place under the influence of informatization and globalization of society and the economy.

The Concept of Development of an Industrial Policy of the Saratov Area

In article conceptual bases of working out of an industrial policy of the Saratov area are considered. The author also proves necessity of realisation of a regional industrial policy by a program method.

Economic Essence of the State Financial Resources

This article describes the theoretical material, the author says, proves illegitimacy of the inclusion of credit in the financial resources of the state. There is reason to believe this is not the result of neglect of owners of loan capital to the provisions of financial and credit of science, and their business interests, which sometimes do not coincide with the interests of the state.

Theoretical Bases of Resource Potential of Agrarian Manufacture

In the article theoretical approaches to definition of resource potential of social and economic systems are considered. Evolution of scientific views on a category «resource potential» with reference to different objects of research, including to agrarian manufacture is presented. The basic features of resource potential of agrarian and industrial complex are revealed. The author’s treatment of resource potential of agrarian manufacture is offered.

Preconditions аnd Potential оf Upgrade оf Russian Economy

The paper reveals the potential of upgrading; we have highlighted innovative and technological, resource, interactive, and transformative of aspects of upgrade. We have analyzed the sectoral and territorial features of development of Russian economy and have substantiated active, purposeful state intervention in spatial and structural changes of economy and upgrade.

The Quality of Education as a Criterion of the Motivation of the Labour Leaders in the Sphere of Higher Education

The article discusses the theoretical and methodological questions of the development of labor motivation in the sphere of higher education. The main problems of motivation of labor of the higher education system, the analysis of system of management of quality of education, summarizes trends of socio-labor motivation in the higher educational institution.

Client Equity for Innovation System in the Meso-level: Regional Aspect

In this paper the role and nature of client capital in the innovation systems in the context of the regional dimension of the problems of development of innovative processes in the meso-level view of the trend «customization». Theoretical approaches to the definition of customer capital, and highlights its features. The notion of client-defined, and the capital of the regional innovation system.
