Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Characteristics and Main Tendencies of Russian Security Service Market Development

Width and variety of services don`t allow to determine the common regularities for the whole service industry. Every type of service requires individualization of studies, analysis, and market assessment. Theoretical analysis. The paper studies specificity and types of security services, main approaches towards determination «security service» have been changed, proper formulation of this determination has been given, and analysis and study of security services market have been carried out, specific features have been found out.

Rating Appraisal of Investment Attractiveness of the Region (on the Materials of the Ulyanovsk Region)

Investment attractiveness is a system or a combination of various objective features, facilities, causing the potential payments in the aggregate demand for investment in the region forms of two components: investment potential and investment risk. The article is devoted to the evaluation of the investment attractiveness of region (for example Ulyanovsk area). The main vector of this evaluation was the analysis of region’s position in the rating of investment attractiveness. Analysis.

National Research Universities as a Factor of Region Innovative System Development

The role of scientific research institutions in the development of the region’s certainly much more difficult to determine the specific development in the innovative aspect as a factor in the competitiveness of the region, this article examines the role of research institutions is to develop an innovative component of the region and provides a system for performance evaluation. Theoretical analysis. Innovative development of the region is represented in the article as a system, is used both a systematic approach to the study of this aspect.

About Income Inequality in Russia Nowadays

Nowadays in Russia strongly negative impact on effective development of country has low incomes of significantly large number of citizens and also income inequality. With the current income inequality level Russia is in group of developing countries, what negatively influence on economic growth of country. The author describes theoretical issues related to the income inequality, actual level of Russian income inequality. Methods.

Modeling of Development of Investment Activity Economic Entities in the Modernization of the Modern Russia

Modernization of the economy is not just economic growth, but a new quality content of the process. Laying the foundations of renovation economy is impossible without investment processes, depending on the degree of intensity of the investment activity of all economic entities, but growing under different scenarios. Theoretical analysis.

Government Support for Innovation Activity

The article discusses the public support for innovation are considered public institutions infrastructure to support small and medium-sized businesses, operating in the sphere of innovation, regulations designed to promote the commercialization of intellectual property. Methods.

System Approach to the Professional Orientation in Region

The professional orientation of the population (POP) is considered as one of the key factors in the formation of a civilized labor market, maintenance of a rational employment, creating conditions for improving the quality of working life for able-bodied citizens. The article raises a problem of the assessing quality of the realization of this system at the regional level. Theoretical analisis. selection of a systematic approach for the analysis follows from the name of the system.

Tansformatsiya Spatial Organization Management and Settlement of Modern Russia

The current spatial organization of the economy and resettlement in modern Russia is an important limiting factor of economic development. Hence the importance of the search for new variants of configuration changes of the spatial organization of economy and resettlement with the purpose of increase of efficiency of functioning of the national economy of Russia. Theoretical analysis.

Contemporary Problems of Economic Security of Russian Regions

 In the conditions of reforming of Russian economy when the change of governing system takes at times rather difficult forms, a special attention should be drawn to the problem of economic security of Russian regions. The article studies the interrelations of the notions «economic security», «economic security of the regions» and «regional crisis situation». Theoretical analysis. The article contains the comparative analysis of crisis situations valuation methods applied at the federal and regional levels.

About the Harmonization of Indirect Taxation in the Eurasian Economic Community

The differences in the systems of indirect taxation in Eurasian countries give rise to a number of negative consequences that impede the harmonization of tax systems of these countries, and, as a consequence, slow down the process of Eurasian integration in general. The study reveals the most acute contradictions in the principles of levying indirect taxes in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community, and offers recommendations to eliminate them. Methods.
