Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Features of the Labor Content of the Employees of Medical Insurance Companies

Purpose. The paper holds the position that labor stimulation must change with the content of labor. At the same time, if some kind of labor cannot be effectively stimulated, its content can be modified. Results. This position is realized by analyzing characteristics of the labor of the employees of health insurance companies. At the same time, changes in the content, both having occurred and needing to be done to improve the activities of such organizations, are shown. Conclution.

Prospects of Venture Investment Development in Russia

Introduction. At the Russian economy’s transition to innovative development, the question of its investment mechanism is very important. Venture investment is most promising in this case. For Russia, venture investment is a rather new tool and, therefore, market mechanisms are introduced with great difficulties. Tasks and methods. To observe the current situation and the causes thereof; to detect the existence of a link between innovative development and the usage of the venture investment mechanism.

The Problems of Integration of the Internet Economy of Russia in the System of World Economy

Introduction. The article is aimed at the revealing of positive and negative sides of the integration of Internet-economy of Russia into the world economy system. The tasks of the article are: consideration of risks of economic globalization which acquires a new quality due to the introduction of Internet technologies, and studying the phenomenon of informational inequality of individual countries and regions. Theoretical analysis.

Opportunistic Behavior in a Public-Private Partnership: the Case of Diverging Partners’ Interests in Tariff Setting in Kazakhstan

Introduction. The article aims to investigate the forms of partners’ opportunistic behavior in a public-private partnership (PPP). The article highlights key features of a PPP that involves construction and operation of a railroad in Eastern Kazakhstan. Research methodology. This qualitative study employs in-depth interviews as a principal data collection method. Theoretical framework. The article’s theoretical underpinnings stem from highlighting the meaning of opportunism in general and from defining opportunistic behavior in a PPP in particular.

Tax Reform of Corporate Income Tax on State Level in the USA

Introduction. In proposing reforms for the corporate income taxation, it is necessary to consider the incentives generated by the current system of taxation and the effects that changing those incentives would have the significant impact on the economic behavior. Analysis. This paper proves that economic development policies and reform of income corporate taxation can significantly affects the growth of a state area, that increases in the growth of a local economy can benefits the overall national economy.

Problems of ensuring the security of an individual’s economic trace on the Internet

Introduction.The article deals with the problems of ensuring the security of economic information of individuals on the Internet. The concept and forms of the economic Internet trace of the individual are investigated. Theoretical analysis. Fraudulent actions in a virtual environment directed against individuals account for a signifi cant proportion of the total number of cybercrimes. The main motive of the off enses is to obtain fi nancial benefi ts, and the method is the distribution and use of malicious software.

Creative tourism and digitalization of society

Introduction. The substantiates the relevance of the study of creative tourism and the digitalization of society. The increasing digital needs of citizens are noted. The answer to the consumer’s request is the digitalization of the economy. It is indicated that creative tourism, using digital technologies, is able to ensure the restoration of the tourism industry, which was most severely aff ected during the pandemic. Theoretical analysis. The concept of “creative industries” is considered in detail from an economic and legal point of view.

Precarization of employment in digital economy

Introduction. Precarization of employment has become one of the objective and signifi cant manifestations of the employment processes transformation in the digital economy, while it is rapidly expanding and becoming more complex.

Neoprotectionism as a necessary condition for the technological development of modern Russia

Introduction. The contradictions that have accumulated in the world economy call into question the advantages of globalization and free trade, reinforcing the tendencies of protectionism. Theoretical analysis. Since mercantilism, which created the prerequisites for the Industrial Revolution, protectionism and industrial policy havebeen used as complementary mechanisms. In the twentieth century, protectionism was fi nally ousted from trade policy and from scientifi c research.

The specifi cs of the infl ationary processes development in modern Russian economy

Introduction. In modern conditions, infl ation is a topical problem of Russian economy, which occupies a key place in economic science and economic policy. Identifi cation of the infl ationary processes development specifi cs in modern Russian economy is signifi cant from the point of view of developing eff ective anti-infl ationary regulation measures. Theoretical analysis. The article clarifi es the content of infl ation as an economic category. The concepts of «repressed infl ation» and «hidden infl ation» are distinguished.
