Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Methodical Approaches to the Estimation of Influence of Factors of External and Internal Environment on Consumer Behavior when Selecting High-tech Products

Introduction. In modern conditions is one of the main directions of improving the efficiency of the implementation of high-tech products put on the market the innovative community is the study of consumer behavior when choosing this product, factors influencing this process. Theoretical analysis. In the article considers the factors influencing consumer behavior in choosing high-tech products.

Models of Interaction of University and Region

Introduction. The urgency is determined by increasing of studying of the problems of interaction the university and the region -is so-called «third role» of universities – the University of interaction with the region. Theoretical analysis. In modern foreign studies on the theory and methodology of innovative development identifies new trends and properties of the interaction of science, business and government.

V. N. Tatishchev: Prolegomena of the Russian modernization research program in the XVIII century (Institutional-evolutionary approach)

Introduction. V. N. Tatishchev, one of the founders of the Russian history studies, was notable for his broad views on the evolution of society and economic order. His economic views were not widely discussed during his lifetime and were not much in demand afterwards.

Conceptual foundations of the international cooperation effectiveness in the context of the geoeconomic space digital transformations

Introduction. The work is devoted to the formation of new conceptual criteria for the effectiveness of international cooperation in the context of the geo-economic space digital transformations. The introduction spells out the general content of the modern geo-economic space and stipulates the need for a conceptually new approach to determining the effectiveness of interaction in this space. Theoretical analysis reveals the methodology for studying synergetic efficiency, substantiates the parameters of synergistic efficiency. Empirical analysis.

Innovation immunity of Russian economy

Introduction. The article examines the general immunity of the Russian economy to innovation, which is inherent in it at the present stage. It is caused by a number of macro and microeconomic, as well as institutional factors. This was an important reason that did not allow us to achieve a number of ambitious economic goals set by the country’s leaders. Theoretical analysis.

Conceptual aspects of sustainable development of economic systems: Evolution of approaches and modern paradigm

Introduction. The relevance of scientific substantiation of approaches to sustainable development management is due to the need to take into account external changes and the development of conceptual provisions for the adaptation of economic systems. Theoretical analysis. The article summarizes the main approaches to the interpretation of the “sustainable development” concept.

Unevenness analysis of agricultural production in Russia

Introduction. Agriculture affects the food, economic and social security of the country. The unevenness of agricultural production is due to natural, climatic and economic factors, for example, the enlargement of enterprises, the introduction of efficient means and production technologies. The increase in territorial unevenness can lead to a shortage of food, its rise in price due to transport markup. Unevenness in the size of organizations also has socio-economic implications.

A modern Scandinavian “Saga about political economy”: “Against the Stream. Critical Essays on Economics” by Gunnar Myrdal

Introduction. It is proposed to pose the question of the original understanding of fundamental economic science as a political economy, presented by Gunnar Myrdal in the book “Against the Stream. Critical Essays on Economics”, which can be regarded from a certain point of view as a modern Scandinavian «Saga about political economy». Hermeneutic analysis. G.

Evolution ot the Process of Eurasian Integration under the Influence of Tax Arrangements

With the expansion of international economic relations national tax policy cannot be considered only as a set of measures providing the domestic regulation in the country and ensuring the implementation of social and economic policy. Interstate traffic of goods, labor and capital increases the importance and the role of taxes in the distribution relations both between businesses and the state, and among the countries that are active in foreign trade. Theoretical analysis. The article studies the directions of harmonization of tax policy Eurasian EC.

Specifics of the Russian Model of the State Entrepreneurship

In different historical periods and in different countries the model of the state entrepreneurship has special, unique features, its own forms and methods of influence on the macroeconomic dynamics and socio-economic development. The study of the specific Russian model of the state entrepreneurship is necessary to implement a successful economic policy of the government in our country. Theoretical analysis.
