Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Credibility as Factor of the Enterprise Competitive Ability

The article reveals the sources of the relationship of trust within the organization and the results of the survey of agricultural enterprises specialists, which influence of the institute of trust in their economic behavior and competitiveness. The necessity of the contract and the contractual relationship as a legal form of the institute of trust and the effect of trust on the level of transaction costs are analyzed.

Russian Food Industry: External Factors and Competitive Forces Analysis

A set of external factors mostly influencing the Russian food industry is concerned in this article. It includes: domestic agriculture raw material deficit, lack of the processing equipment, insufficient solvency of the Russian population. Basic indices of the factories` operating system having been analyzed, in the modern economy the state should consider the food industry development as a complex system.

Formation of Infrastructure of the Nanoindustry in Innovative Development of Russia

In article theoretical approaches of formation and development of a nanoindustry, process of formation of infrastructure of a nanoindustry within an innovative vector of development of Russia are discussed. Ordering of structural elements of information and analytical infrastructure of a nanoindustry by allocation of its main components of subsystems is carried out.

Methodology Interaction of Flow Processes in the Logistics Chains of Social and Cultural Services

In this paper the concept of using the methodology in logistics management of human, service resources in the field of social and cultural services, clarifies the conceptual apparatus of logistics, which improved the classification of logistic flows aspects of social and cultural services, the possibility of increasing the efficiency of data management resources through the implementation of a systematic approach.

Theoretical and Empirical Research of Transaction Costs in the Economy: Transaction Intensity Russian Economy

In article the author attempts to introduce into scientific new analytical parameter – parameter transaction intensity economy. Proved the author’s approach to the calculation of the «dirty» and «clean» transaction costs, other than the value of intermediate consumption of transaction costs. Conducted an empirical validation study results, which resulted in the distribution of polygons drawn transaction intensity in 2010 to more than 65 thousand companies in Russia.

Public Private Partnership: Financial Support of Regional Economic Development

The paper discusses the theoretical and methodological issues related to the application and the financing of public-private partnership. The economic nature of public-private partnership is opened, standard and legal bases of cooperation of the state and business are investigated; definition of concept of public-private partnership is offered; forms are allocated and the tools of financing of PPP projects are defined.

Investment as a Prerequisite for the Modernization of the Region’s Economy

In the presented article some aspects of problem of development of economy of region are considered on the example of the Saratov area, in particular, questions of forming of investment policy, terms of bringing in of foreign investments in a region, forms of state support of foreign investors.

Statistical Study of Influence of the Dynamics of Tariffs on Socio-economic Development of the Region

In article methodical aspects of application of the statistical analysis to research of influence of tariff policy on processes of planning and implementation of programs of social and economic development of the Orenburg region are considered. During the analysis by means of system of statistical methods the main dependences of social and economic development of the region on results of its tariff policy are revealed.

The Development of the Integration of Education, Science and Industry in the Form of Technology Transfer on Modern Phase of the Innovation Cycle of the Russian Economy

The article considers the development of the integration of education, science and industry in the form of direct and indirect mechanisms of technology transfer. The comparative analysis of such terms as «technology transfer», «technology commercialization», «innovation diffusion», «spillover of innovation». The article gives accent to the aspects and problems of technology transfer in the Russian economy.


The article provides a critical appraisal of the Russian language literature on public-private partnership (PPP) management. Having identifies gaps and weaknesses in the literature, the article highlights the internal drivers of PPP development in Russia and gives an assessment of their significance for partnership proliferation in the country, investigates the principal components of the emergent paradigm in the public policy aimed at advancement of partnerships, delineates the paradigm’s nature and shows its implications.
