Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The State Stimulation of Investments on Securities Market

Modern problems of the transformation of saved monetary resources into effective investments, for both business organizations and all-level governments, are analyzed. Methods. It is emphasized that it would be objectively impossible to create a favorable investment climate in Russia’s national economy with no development of a state strategy and methods of investment stimulation on the securities market as a economic growth factor. Results.

Theoretical and Methodological Modelling Based on the Major Cycles Concept of by N. D. Kondratyev: Problem Statement

Interest in major cycles concept by N. D. Kondratyev has been lately linked with its applied usage for analysis and evaluation of the perspectives of economy’s crisis state of leading countries and world economy. Development of fundamental economic theory and formation of renewed educational courses by means of theoretical and methodological modeling can be carried out within the framework of major cycles paradigm by N. D. Kondratyev. Research methods.

Finance for the Social State

The article presents the research results of the roundtable participants of the Moscow international economic forum, held on 20-21 March in Moscow state University. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of empirical data are investigated sources of financing of the social sphere from the three major macroeconomic actors: States, firms, households have Shown the possibilities and restrictions of financing of the welfare state in the Russian economy.

Price Trap of Inefficiencies in Natural Resources Market

Introduction. Natural resource capital (NRC), created by ecological subsystem of EES, is inalienable from individual as the basic subject of ecological and economic relations, it can not be the object of private embezzlement. Consequently, all attempts to reduce the ecological and economic relationship to a purely market relations by artificially imposing domination market institute in institutional environment EES can only increase the number of institutional traps called market failures. Theoretical analysis.

Is Russian Man Happy?

Introduction. During the last decades around the world well-being of the population, the quality of life of citizens is a priority direction of the state policy. Self-esteem happiness of individuals may provide some an indicator of prosperous life in the country. The article describes the main theoretical concepts used in the economy of happiness, based on which we produced and analyzed empirical models. Methods. Modern econometric methods and statistical data allow to answer the question what makes a man (un)happy.

Theoretical Basis of Research Infrastructure Forms in the Economy

In practice it is important to study the interaction of forms of infrastructure in the economy, since this interaction there are new features infrastructures themselves, their impact on the economy. The article examines the theoretical approaches to the study of the forms of existence of infrastructure in the economy. Theoretical analysis. Infrastructure as a concept of economic science is a set of economic practices, serving all kinds of economic relations and create conditions for normal life companies, state, household population.

Characteristics and Main Tendencies of Russian Security Service Market Development

Width and variety of services don`t allow to determine the common regularities for the whole service industry. Every type of service requires individualization of studies, analysis, and market assessment. Theoretical analysis. The paper studies specificity and types of security services, main approaches towards determination «security service» have been changed, proper formulation of this determination has been given, and analysis and study of security services market have been carried out, specific features have been found out.

Rating Appraisal of Investment Attractiveness of the Region (on the Materials of the Ulyanovsk Region)

Investment attractiveness is a system or a combination of various objective features, facilities, causing the potential payments in the aggregate demand for investment in the region forms of two components: investment potential and investment risk. The article is devoted to the evaluation of the investment attractiveness of region (for example Ulyanovsk area). The main vector of this evaluation was the analysis of region’s position in the rating of investment attractiveness. Analysis.

National Research Universities as a Factor of Region Innovative System Development

The role of scientific research institutions in the development of the region’s certainly much more difficult to determine the specific development in the innovative aspect as a factor in the competitiveness of the region, this article examines the role of research institutions is to develop an innovative component of the region and provides a system for performance evaluation. Theoretical analysis. Innovative development of the region is represented in the article as a system, is used both a systematic approach to the study of this aspect.

About Income Inequality in Russia Nowadays

Nowadays in Russia strongly negative impact on effective development of country has low incomes of significantly large number of citizens and also income inequality. With the current income inequality level Russia is in group of developing countries, what negatively influence on economic growth of country. The author describes theoretical issues related to the income inequality, actual level of Russian income inequality. Methods.
