Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Pandemic of Coronavirus as a Factor of Intensification of Development and Implementation of Digital Technologies

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the largest business and economic shocks in modern history. Although it is difficult to assess the long-term consequences of this phenomenon at the current stage, events have already taken place in the economy that have catalyzed a number of changes. And in particular, these systemic innovations are closely related to the digitalization of technological business processes, which most of the market participants cannot ignore.

Basic Knowledge Standards for Evaluating Financial Literacy of Adults Population

Introduction. The article reflects the basic requirements for the results of the financial literacy system for the adult population. Theoretical analysis. The standard of basic knowledge is a tool in the field of education, fixing the level of knowledge that determines financial literacy. Empirical analysis.

Asymmetry of Structural Development Economy of Russian Regions

Introduction. The article examines the asymmetry of the development of the economic structure of Russian regions. It is caused by unevenness, multidirection, differences in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and a temporary dichotomy of structural shifts in terms of the spatial structure of the country’s economy. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the concepts of symmetry and asymmetry of the economic structure of the region, as well as structural shifts in the regional economy.

Institutional Component of the Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation: Features and Problems of Formation

Introduction. For Russia, the development of an effective industrial policy is a response to the challenge of maintaining competitiveness and increasing the productivity of the country’s industrial complex. The study aims to identify and systematize the prerequisites and limitations of industrial development in the context of the institutional component of industrial policy. Theoretical analysis.

Renaissance of Protectionism as a Concept of Economic Policy: Theoretical and Applied Aspects

Introduction. Changes in the balance of power in the global economy, the increasing role of the Asia-Pacific countries in international trade, the consequences of the global crisis of 2008–2009 led to a revision of foreign trade policy by both developed and developing countries, to an increased application of protective measures of national economy. Theoretical analysis. State economic policy aimed at protecting and realizing the interests of the national economy is protectionism in a broad sense.

Political Risk as a Factor of Foreign Direct Investment into Transition Economies

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the most important resources of developing countries’ economic modernization. According to international investors, political risk is one of the major deterrents to investment in emerging markets. Opinions about the significance of this influence are different depending on the considered period. The latest crisis could make adjustments in the investment policy. Nevertheless, some developing countries show a very significant amount of FDI attracted.

Theoretical Approaches to the Study of the Information Economy at the Macro Level

The article presents some theoretical approaches to the analysis of the information economy at the macro level. The definition of the information economy is given, and its features are listed. Among them are: specific theory of value, the law of increasing returns, low transaction costs, information economic relations. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the concept of aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the market of information products and services.

Trends in the Development of the Russian Insurance Market

The article examines the trends in the Russian insurance market from 2005 to 2012. The paper presents the characteristics of Russian insurance companies are analyzed following data: the number of insurance organizations, the average number of insurance agents, the number of contracts, reviewed the financial performance of insurance companies from 2005 to 2012. Theoretical analysis. The paper shows that the collected insurance premiums are higher in mandatory insurance than in voluntary insurance. Results.

Mechanism of Neoindustrialization: Methodology of Justification

The mechanism of implementation of neoindustrialization of economy is an object of the research of economic science. Due to the short time the researches of the problems of neoindustrialization and complexity of modern economic situation, the changes of the legislation, the formation of new economic policy the problem of creation of the effective mechanism of implementation of the process of neoindustrialization of Russian economy and also the allocation and the involvement of the factors of its use requires serious study. Theoretical analysis.

The Essential Characteristics of Intellectually-information Capital

Modern stage of development of the economy suggests that in all spheres of human activity information and knowledge form the new «specific» resource – intellectual-information capital, which in conjunction with the high-quality labor force, is the source of productivity growth and competitiveness, both at the micro and macro level. Methods. Development of methodology of research of intellectualinformational capital involves the application of methods of complex and system approach, reflecting the multi-level analysis of the investigated object.
