Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The role of technological entrepreneurship in industry in modern conditions

Introduction. The competitiveness of industry in modern conditions is carried out through scientific and technological development. High-tech companies play a key role in solving the main tasks of increasing the competitiveness of Russian economy in accordance with global challenges and priorities of Russia’s scientific and technological development. Theoretical analysis.

On the question of property transformation forms: Theoretical and practical aspects

Introduction. The transformation of property as a system of complex continuous relations regarding a change in type, form, characteristics and any properties of the property itself is a discussed scientific problem. The purpose of the study is to analyze the property transformation and develop a classification of types of property transformation in modern economic theory and government practice. Theoretical analysis.

Capital forms multiplication

Introduction. Revealing the content of the capital forms multiplication process is significant for modern economic science in theoretical and applied aspects. The political and economic peculiarities of the study are to reveal the essence of capital as a benefit that generates income in various forms. Theoretical analysis.

Study of Consumer Behavior in the Perception of the Quality of High-tech Products, the Output Market Innovation Community

Introduction. The study of consumer behavior in the era of acute competition is an effective tool in promoting sales and improve business performance. Theoretical analysis. In the article the author wording categories of consumer behavior in selecting high-tech products, studied the factors affecting the ability of consumers to solvent. Discussion of results. Based on the analysis of consumer behavior on the results of the survey developed scheme of consumer behavior in selecting high-tech products. Investigated stages purchase decision.

Self-organizing Capabilities of National Economy in Modern Russia

In the article self-organizing opportunities of a National Economy in modern Russia are discussed. Self-organizing opportunities of a National Economy are related with the becoming a private sector, business and consumer market development, and also transition of a competition to a new level. It is established, that imbalance of market transformations in different spheres of a National Economy doesn’t support stability of economic development in Russia.

Development of Economic Relations Between Corporations and Small and Medium Enterprises

The modern market economic system is based on dual relations between managing subjects, namely, the small and medium business, on the one side, and the large business, on the other side. While the former one gives mobility and flexibility to the economic system, the latter one attaches it competitiveness and stability. During economical transformation of the post-socialist countries, independent small and medium enterprises have appeared.

The Alternative Spring of Social-economic Growth

The article reviews major theoretical approaches to research of circular flow income of households system relations «consumption-saving», to research the function role of these system in modern economic Russia, the interaction of system relations «consumption-saving» and economic growth.

Economics and Law: the Contrariety Unity

In the article analyses interaction of two domain modern society – Economics and Law, influence the contrariety unity and tendency in together.

Development and Transformation in a Structure of National Economy Movement

In article theoretical and methodological questions of National Economy development and transformation are discussed. The matter of categories «change», «movement», «development», «the transformation» is specified. The matter of National Economy’s internal dynamic balance conditions is opened. Cyclic character of National Economy development is submitted as result of consecutive change of conditions external steady imbalance and internal unstable balance of system.

Inter-regional Disproportions of Social and Economic Development of Modern Russia

In the article the reasons are revealed, and also base theories of regional economy regarding a substantiation of inter-regional social and economic disproportionality are considered. Unacceptability of realization of policy of regional development in modern Russia in which basis the principle of disproportional development of regions would lay is proved. 
