Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Theoretical and methodological aspects of ensuring the sustainable development of agro-food systems

Introduction. The relevance of the scientifi c substantiation of approaches to ensuring the sustainable development of the agro-food system is due to the growing impact of environmental factors on the internal structural balance and the target setting of the agro-food system. The sustainable development of the national agro-food system has begun to imply economic growth in order to achieve indicators of the physical and economic accessibility of quality food for the Russian population.

Innovations of the Russian financial sector of the economy

Introduction. The digital changes taking place in all spheres of society are most evident in certain sectors, especially in the fi nancial sector. One of the factors of the modern development of a sustainable economy is the digitalization of society associated with the rapid development of information technologies. Informatization of this sector in Russia is associated with the synthesis of legal, economic, social, political changes. Theoretical analysis.The article is devoted to the key trends of informatization of the fi nancial sector of Russia.

Convergent political economy of the “New socialism” by J. K. Galbraith

In the evolution of Western-type and Soviet-type economies after World War II, there were many common points that prompted scientists to talk about the convergence of two ideologically alternative political and economic systems. Remarkable examples of a comparative analysis of both vectors of the development of national economies, based on the same conceptual premises, are the books of J. K. Galbraith “The new industrial state” and “Economics and the public purpose”.

The specifics of the concentration of investment processes in the field of ICT- technologies in the Russian economy

Introduction. The relevance of the problems of this article is confi rmed by the fact that the existing and accumulated to date world and domestic experience demonstrates the growing interdependence between the growth of the national economic system and the development of its information systems and technologies.

Activization Factors of Foreign Economic Activities Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Volgograd Region

Activization factors of foreign economic activities development of small and medium enterprises in Volgograd region are represented as a hole system. The author proposes the appraisal plan of Volgograd region export potential in modern economic situation of globalization and economic integration to the world economy.

Values in a Socio-economic Science

In this article the author considers the necessity of formation of the modern paradigm of the economical theory on the basis of the values, which are suitable to the development of Russian economic model. 

Teoretical and Metodological Approaches to Research of Social and Economical Spatial Heterogeneity in the Region

The research problems of intra regional heterogeneity of social and economic development are discussed in this article. Existing theoretical and methodological approaches to definition of regional economic space are generalized. The key role of municipalities in smoothing of spatial heterogeneity of social and economical regional development is designated.

Management of Innovative Risks in Agrarian and Industrial Complex

The author’s approach to a problem of management by innovative risks in agrarian and industrial complex is developed. Classification of risks of innovative projects in agrarian and industrial complex is presented, actions for risk management at stages of development and implementation of the innovative project Are offered.

Economical Integration and Economical Growth: Interconnection and Interdependence of Processes

The article analyses the influence of integration on the economical growth and development of national economy, considers the interconnection of the system integration and sustained growth of economy. The article raises the problem of forming a highly functional structure of the Russian economy.

Problems of Development and Regulation of the Securities Market in the Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The article studies the main indicators of the securities market in the countries with transition economy, comparative analysis of the securities market performance in the countries with transition economy and developed markets is made, identifying key issues and suggesting ways for the securities market development.
