For citation:
Kokurina O. Y. Merit as a Social and Legal Phenomena and Concept: Definition, Material and Legal Attributes (Part 1). Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 194-199. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2019-19-2-194-199
Merit as a Social and Legal Phenomena and Concept: Definition, Material and Legal Attributes (Part 1)
Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of the nature and content of the concept of «merit» in premium law. Discussion. The author of the article has attempted to determine the essence of merit, which is a combination of attributes, on the basis of which merit acts as an independent socio-legal phenomenon. The main and additional social and legal features of merit were investigated, the concept of a meta-model of meritorious behavior was introduced. The definition of merit is formulated as a socially useful act provided for by law, which serves as the basis for applying a positive sanction, the content of which is legal encouraging (awarding by the state). Conclusion. The paper presents the characteristic properties and defines the notion of «merit» in the context of the unity of the legal and social, formal and material aspects of this socio-legal phenomenon of the premium institution. The perspective of further theoretical development of the legal «structure of merit» as a qualifying instrument of premium law is noted.
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