Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The works of А. N. Radishchev: A study of economic and anthropological interpretation

Introduction. A. N. Radishchev in his writings lays the foundations of a humanistic study of Russian society and an anthropological understanding of economic orders. Most of the works were not published during his lifetime; the scientific publication of works and the study of views, mainly of a social nature, was undertaken in the 1940s–1950s. The comments emphasized the radical worldview of the thinker, manifested in the literary field. In reality, the enlightener’s work is more multifaceted and covers philosophy, law, history, and economics.

Institutional portfolio of Russian education

Introduction. The educational system is constitutive in all countries, it is one of the world’s largest systems that generates and reproduces human, intellectual, cognitive capital. National educational systems have both common features and differences, which are based on unique components – institutional genes. Russian education inherits many of the best traditions of the previous social system, thanks to which world recognized successes have been achieved.

On the infl uence of “tales” on the economics methodology formation and their use in the teaching process (Part I)

Introduction. This article is a justification of the possibility of using tales to popularize economics, economic history and the history of economic thought. Theoretical analysis. The historiographic review showed that many prominent English-speaking and Russian-speaking economists in their scientific articles and monographs textually or allegorically use the terms “parables”, “fables”, “stories”, “stories”, “myths”, “saga”, and the like. Therefore, the term “tales” will organically complement this semantic range.

The origin and development of economic hermeneutics inside Soviet Marxism and neoclassical synthesis

Introduction. This article is an analysis of the factors of the emergence and development of economic hermeneutics. The stereotypical ideas about the total ideological unification of political economy in the USSR during the period of Soviet Marxism dominance and the ideological neutrality of neoclassical synthesis, the mainstream of Western economic science, are being critically rethought. Theoretical analysis.

The coordination of innovative development of economy and strategy of sustainable development

In article the idea of coordination of the economical innovative develop‑ ment with sustainable development strategy is discussed. Sustainable development strategy is treated as long-term and purposeful develop‑ ments of global system «Man – Economy – the Nature». According to authors of article realization of sustainable development strategy doesn’t destroy the economy structure, there is no deterioration of population living conditions and destructive processes in economy and a society don’t develop up to the limits menacing to national safety

The System Characteristics of Internet Economy

The basic characteristics of Internet economy as a macroeconomic system, such as technological basis of Internet economy, reverse con‑ nections and so-called «critical level» of Internet influence on economy,  specific structure and infrastructure and basic system institutes, are examined in this article. These characteristics define Internet economy as a complicated system, with new quality and peculiar properties.

Conditions and Factors of Realization of Regional Social and Economic Policy (теоретический аспект)

In the present work major factors and the conditions influencing for‑ mation and realization of the regional social and economic policy on the basis of the modern six-factorial concept and a kernel of development of economic systems are allocated. The given approach allows is system to present transformational and transaction the indicators influencing acceptance of administrative decisions.

Economic Independence of Regions in System of Economic Relations

In given article economic independence of regions is presented as result of development of market relations, the role of economic inde‑ pendence in воспроизводственных processes at level of regions, in realization of intraregional and inter-regional economic communica‑ tions is shown. Factors and principles of development of economic independence of regions are besides considered.

Contradictory Development NON‑SECTOR: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects

The article with the theoretical and methodological positions proved contradictory development of the nonprofit sector of the economy, it is proved that this inconsistency is manifested at three levels: the economic interests of its subjects, level of functioning (the behavior of his subjects) and the level of receipt of the final result. Identified internal and external contradictions of economic interests of the sub‑ jects of the nonprofit sector, its operations and produce the final result of the activity.

Рublic‑Private Partnership as the Important of Innovative Development of the Russian Economy

In article necessity of effective partnership of the state and private business in the conditions of formation of the Russian innovative sys‑ tem is considered. Its perspective directions in construction of socially focused market economy of innovative type are revealed.
