The laws of the synergetic eff ects emergence in Russian economy
Introduction. Modern economy is dynamic and consists of various actions of business entities that can lead to the emergence of synergetic eff ects. There are patterns that gradually turn into laws of the synergetic eff ects occurrence. To analyze and systematize these laws is an important research task. This is the relevance of the research topic. Theoretical analysis. There are several aspects of the emergence and functioning of synergetic eff ects: the time trend, the criteria of optimality and positivity. The analysis of synergetic eff ects according to the optimality criterion is of special interest. The initial, desirable, pre-optimal and optimal synergism are highlighted. The types of suboptimal synergism: nonsinergism, desinergism, resinergism and antisysinergism are revealed using historical and logical approach at the micro and macro levels. Results. Dynamic and static laws of synergetics are revealed. The internal and external factors of the optimal and non-optimal synergetic eff ects occurrence are identifi ed, taking into account the action of the synergetics laws.
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