Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The state role in the investments development in Russia’s digital economy

Introduction. The current stage of development is characterized by widespread digitalization of almost all economy spheres. One of the key areas for the developing digital economy in the Russian Federation is investments and investment relations. The state supports and develops the investments in data-driven formation of the digital economy. The article examines some of the subjects of the country’s influence on the mechanisms for expanding the innovation investment sphere, regarding local development specifics.

Formal institutional factors’ influence on Russia’s internal debt dynamics

Introduction. The role of domestic government borrowing in Russia’s fiscal policy has become prominent in 2020. The relevance of this topic is related to the budget’s need for additional sources of financing due to COVID-19 pandemic. The effectiveness of the state’s debt policy is influenced by many factors: the political structure of the state, legal institutions, the economic situation in the country, the quality of infrastructure.

Types of synergetic effects in Russian economy

Introduction. In modern reality, great importance is given to synergetics and the synergetic effects that arise in Russian economy. Their appearance is influenced by such factors as various interactions of the economic system elements, the non-linear development of the economy, stable and dynamic processes in the economy of the country. Several aspects of the emergence and functioning of synergetic effects can be distinguished: the time trend, multiplicative changes, and the spatial-functional aspect.

Factors of the Russian-Chinese economic relations development in the Eurasian integration field

Introduction. We can confidently say already that in the current conditions of global economic development, China is the most important and priority partner in the development of our country’s foreign economic activity. Theoretical analysis. The development of a strategic approach to bilateral economic cooperation with China is the most relevant in the modern system of coordinates of Russia’s foreign economic activity.

Competitiveness: Conceptual approaches and research levels

Introduction. Currently, the term “competitiveness” is firmly established in scientific literature and professional usage. It has become the subject of various methodological, theoretical and applied research. In literature, one can find different approaches to analyzing the problems of economic content of competitiveness.

A century of J. M. Keynes’ macroeconomic masterpiece

Introduction. In this article, the point of view that recognizes J. M. Keynes’ book “The Economic Consequences of Peace” as his best work, dedicated to the results of the Versailles Peace Conference and published in December 1919, is substantiated. The uniqueness of this publication is due to the author’s participation in the negotiation process, expressing a personal position of protest against the content of the Versailles Peace Treaty and the destructive consequences of its implementation. Scientific review.

Pandemic of Coronavirus as a Factor of Intensification of Development and Implementation of Digital Technologies

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the largest business and economic shocks in modern history. Although it is difficult to assess the long-term consequences of this phenomenon at the current stage, events have already taken place in the economy that have catalyzed a number of changes. And in particular, these systemic innovations are closely related to the digitalization of technological business processes, which most of the market participants cannot ignore.

Basic Knowledge Standards for Evaluating Financial Literacy of Adults Population

Introduction. The article reflects the basic requirements for the results of the financial literacy system for the adult population. Theoretical analysis. The standard of basic knowledge is a tool in the field of education, fixing the level of knowledge that determines financial literacy. Empirical analysis.

Asymmetry of Structural Development Economy of Russian Regions

Introduction. The article examines the asymmetry of the development of the economic structure of Russian regions. It is caused by unevenness, multidirection, differences in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and a temporary dichotomy of structural shifts in terms of the spatial structure of the country’s economy. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the concepts of symmetry and asymmetry of the economic structure of the region, as well as structural shifts in the regional economy.

Institutional Component of the Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation: Features and Problems of Formation

Introduction. For Russia, the development of an effective industrial policy is a response to the challenge of maintaining competitiveness and increasing the productivity of the country’s industrial complex. The study aims to identify and systematize the prerequisites and limitations of industrial development in the context of the institutional component of industrial policy. Theoretical analysis.
