For citation:
Gerchikova E. Z. Directions of Industrial Clusters in Russia. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 645-650. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2013-13-4-2-645-650
Directions of Industrial Clusters in Russia
Introduction. At present, the Russian in the formation of industrial clusters, the first priority is to develop machine-building enterprises of new skills and the development of internal capabilities that impact, ultimately, on the development of the entire regional economy. The paper presents an integrated approach to the optimization of economic relations of industrial enterprises, clusters, and presented directions of cluster economy as a whole. Methods. The main methods of development of clusters as a whole, and their constituent industries, is, first of all, the assessment of sustainable development by identifying potential indicators of business activity of enterprises cluster analysis of the readiness of enterprises to the development and production of innovative products, the level of upgrade the product range, as well as the development of methods and criteria for evaluation of market loyalty to the system of their interaction. Results. The results identify the main factors influencing the region’s economic performance, as well as analysis of the functioning of the present system of cluster structures is the choice of vectors forming a flexible, adaptive and most importantly, a highly efficient mechanism for the development of industrial clusters in Russia aimed at creating innovative competitive products, for the growth of the economy.
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