Methodical Approaches to the Estimation of Influence of Factors of External and Internal Environment on Consumer Behavior when Selecting High-tech Products
Introduction. In modern conditions is one of the main directions of improving the efficiency of the implementation of high-tech products put on the market the innovative community is the study of consumer behavior when choosing this product, factors influencing this process. Theoretical analysis. In the article considers the factors influencing consumer behavior in choosing high-tech products. Focuses on the diversity of the socio-psychological peculiarities and characteristics of consumers and analysis of relevant data incentives and motives of behavior. Justified by the impact of factors on the development of marketing activities for the promotion of hi-tech products. Discussion of results. On the basis of the analysis of internal and external factors is developed tools of psychological influence of advertising on consumer to choose high-tech products, among which the psychoanalytic method, the method of persuasion, suggestions, and linguistic manipulation. On the basis of the theory of the archetype of C. G. Jung proposed model of the six simple images-archetypes – the mother and the baby, the self, the shadow mask, the wise old man or spirit, anima and animus-that allows you to build an efficient communication with consumers. The application of the above methods enable us to artificially create the effect of advantages in promoting sales of high-tech products, unique or distinctive features of the goods, and also to form the human unconscious them a positive or negative attitude to anything, thus projecting the necessary emotional response from the target audience.
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