Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Changing the Paradigm of Career Guidance in Postmodern Environment

Introduction. The contradictions between the paradigm of vocational guidance in the Industrial society and modern tendencies of the use of human capital are shown. Theoretical analysis. The hypothesis that postmodern has changed the essence of professionalization and career guidance is put forward and substantiated: in postmodernism conditions the choice of profession should be replaced by the description of possible educational and professional trajectories and their personal “fitting”.

Economic Space Density as a Measure of Territory Potential’s Effective Use

Introduction. In the territory of modern Russia there is a compression of economic space to places of concentration that testifies the decrease of potential development opportunities of separate territories, the degree of their inclusion in economic activity, the efficiency of the territory resources use. Theoretical analysis. The understanding of the current trend in modern Russia is based on the concept of J.

Econometric Analysis of the Financial Market Structure’s Influence on the Russian Federation’s Economic Growth

Introduction. Currently, the study of the role of financial intermediation as an important auxiliary mechanism of economic growth has received considerable attention in the theoretical and empirical literature. The problems of economic and mathematical modeling of causal relationships between the rates of economic growth and the dynamics of the financial system development attract the attention of a large number of both foreign and Russian specialists.

Retrospective Analysis of the Region’s Development Based on the Input-Output Balance Methodology

Introduction. The use of the inter-sectoral balance methodology expands the possibilities of the region’s economy retrospective analysis and thus contributes to the strategy improvement and increases the reliability degree of the socio-economic development forecasts. The planned economy and the market economy are characterized by a variety of General indicators in the regions’ development.

Agent-Based Model of Perfect Economy

Introduction. Modern economic theory is the basis for market equilibrium. The tasks of empirical or experimental verification of the perfect economy model effectiveness from the standpoint of its real functioning are relevant. Theoretical analysis. Agentbased models allow to create computing tools that are characterized by the quantity of agents, their capabilities, and their ability to interact with each other.

Federal Financing of Scientific Research and Development in the USA: Volume, Structure, Perspective Directions

Introduction. In modern conditions, the research development in the United States is closely related to the functioning of the institutional environment, the financial basis of which is largely the federal government. The historically established structure of financing fundamental and applied research and development from the US state budget reflects the needs of the country’s socioeconomic development in both sectoral and territorial aspects. Theoretical analysis.

Digital Economy: Key Trends and Development Objectives

Introduction. This study aims to analyze the essence of “digital economy” definition, study the main trends in its development and identification of the specifics of its formation in Russia, as well as the definition of the digital economy developing objectives in our country in the medium term. Theoretical analysis. Today digital economy has become an integral part of the socio-economic development.

Mathematical Modeling of the Russian e-Commerce Market Economic Conditions

Introduction. Since the end of the XX century, the concept of digital economy comprises the wide application of digital technology in different spheres of economy. Separate enterprises and whole economic branches transform the existing models of business processes, being oriented on modern means of communication. One of the most important factors influencing this process is the development of Internet technology. Theoretical analysis.

The Role of the Economy in Human Capacity-Building

Introduction. Human capacity is the main wealth of any social system. Public health is an economic resource and an important component of human capacity. Public health status, investing in health, demand for health capital determine competitiveness of labor force and economic development as a whole, as well as a particular branch – the health economy. Theoretical analysis.

Exogenous Determinants of Hoarding Demand at Gold Spot Market

Introduction. Hoarding demand at gold spot market is mainly determined by non-price factors, which are divided into two large groups: endogenous, associated with the specifics of the functioning of the gold market, and exogenous, reflecting the processes and trends of the external environment relative to the gold market. The article analyzes the external non-price factors of demand for physical gold with hoarding purposes.
