Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The Experience of Consumption as a Fundamental Principle of Reducing Risk when Using the Cultural Services

Introduction. Addressing the risks of a producer and consumer and evaluation of the experience of consumption in reducing risk in the use of all types of services and service culture, in particular, will allow to increase the competitiveness of the services culture. Theoretical analysis. Identified risk factors of producer services. The experience of consumption services in terms of process and outcome. In connection with such special services as the variability of quality shown preventive measures of the client to reduce risk. Conclusions.

The Current State and Problems of the Labor Market in the EAEC Countries

Introduction. The labor market is a fundamental factor in the economy of any country, and the functioning of the national economy depends on its dynamics and condition. A review article on the labor market of the EAEU countries. Empirical analysis.

The Remuneration of Employees of Banking Sector of the China

Introduction. Labor resources in China have great potential for development. The number of employed citizens is 77500 thousand. However, the level of real unemployment in the country is high. Empirical analysis. The article analyses the level and characteristics of remuneration of employees of the banking sector of China. We study the structure of the working population of the country, it investigates the level of wages in the country, including in Chinese banks, is considered the minimum wage in Chinese cities.

Development of Russia in the Conditions of Global Economic Instability

Introduction. The current stage of globalization is characterized by increased economic instability, which requires a search the mechanism that allows to minimize the emerging economic risks and to obtain some advantages in the changed circumstances. The author makes the hypothesis that in our country we should go towards the creation of economic and technological leading state. Theoretical analysis.

Comparative Analysis of the Main Development’s Trends of European and Russian Labour Markets

Introduction. Labor market holds a specific place in structure of national economy, provides it with the human capital, and organizes reproductivity. Need of development of Russian labor market assumes research and use of functioning experience of the European labor market possessing a vast amount of systematized regulation tools. Theoretical analysis. The basis of the theoretical analysis is the review of the market development in Russian economy and economy of the European Union allow to make use of the European experience in our country.

Model for Innovative Growth

Introduction. In modern economies, when the first plan for its relevance are issues of formation of effective structure, ensuring sustainable growth and development, a clear need for critical analysis of models of economic growth and comprehensive analysis of the factors. Theoretical analysis.

Transformation of the Institutional Matrix of the Labor Market of Russia

Introduction. In modern conditions, the development of the labor market is closely related to the functioning of the institutional environment, which is the structure that determines the links between the elements. The influence of the institutional matrix on the labor market is great, the specifics of the development of the Russian labor market transforms the institutional matrix. Theoretical analysis.

Limitations of the Modernization of Russia’s Economic Development

Introduction. In modern conditions of great importance is the modernization of the Russian economy. It is necessary to analyze the limitations of modernization. This determines the relevance of the study. Theoretical analysis. Modernization involves the restructuring of the economy, producing competitive products. Its limitations are: ill-conceived economic policies, inflation, economic instability provoked by economic crisis, the weakening role of the state in the economy.

Economic Patriotism: Search for Micro- and Macroeconomic Justification Against the Background of Contemporary Russian Crisis

Introduction. Methodological premise of the selection of a new field of research: possible categorical apparatus, levels of analysis, knowledge and interdisciplinary areas of demarcation. Theoretical analysis. The nature of economic patriotism is revealed through economic behavior, as individuals, communities and representative Government. Economic activities can be rational in a stable economy and irrational during crisis. Irrationality is based on мentality, inclusion in economic ethos and trust society to regulators. Results.

Interregional Disproportions of Socio-Economic Development as Seen Through the Prism of Basic Theories of Regional Economy

Introduction. The socio-economic development of Russia is characterized by the presence of inter-regional imbalances that lead to the destabilization of a single economic space, crisis phenomena and economic losses. Theoretical analysis. The article outlines the main ideas of some basic theories of the regional economy in terms of substantiating inter-regional disparities in socio-economic development.
