Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Analysis of the Inflation Targeting Policy Effectiveness in the Russian Economy

Introduction. One of the key directions of Russian development is the implementation of monetary policy, capable in case of transparent and clear goal setting, to achieve monetary regulation priorities. Theoretical analysis. The research is conducted on the analysis base of: main indicators of economic development, monetary regulation-experience of foreign countries, and assessment of the opportunities and challenges of policy implementation, selected by the Central Bank, in the context of economic openness. Results.

Demonstration of Fictitious in Intelligent Goods at the Economy Knowledge

Introduction.Changes in the economic system at the present stage first of all are bound to the changes imposed to the workforce. Currently, the intellectual work, which is characterized by cognition becomes more significant in industrial sector. In this connection, the importance of increased intangible goods, one of which is an intellectual goods run high. The intelligent goods have specific properties, one of which is fictitious. Theoretical analysis. The article contains various definitions of what «knowledge» and «information» are.

Financial Literacy of Citizens in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The relevance of the study confirmed a significant public attention, public institutions and individual households to the issue of financial literacy in Russia. To date, it continues to develop technologies to improve the financial literacy of the population. Theoretical analysis. The increase of financial literacy should be facilitated by the system of public policies for the development of financial education system, strengthening the protection of rights of consumers of financial services, increasing their accessibility for citizens.

Academic Value Added in the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the University

Introduction. Increased interest in the performance of education systems in terms of strengthening the transparency for the state and society form the new tools for assessing the effectiveness based on the concept of the academic added value. Each educational system or institution can be evaluate from the point of view of efficiency of money spent by the state and the quality and scope of knowledge and skills of its graduates. Theoretical analysis.

Fetishization Trends in Contemporary Russian Economy

Introduction. Theoretically and practically it is important to study the relationship a fetish of the economy, as real housekeeping can be improved only by reducing the degree of fetishization of economic relations. The article deals with theoretical approaches to the study of the relationship a fetish and their practical application in the country. Theoretical analysis.

Mathematical Justification of Economic in the Conditions of Falling of the Country in the «Underdevelopment Trap»

Introduction. Solving problems of technological development of Russia is an important task of formation of an innovative economy. In recent years there has been an intensification of mining operations and sales abroad, which can lead to rapid depletion of resources and the deterioration of the country in the future, but with competent macroeconomic policies, availability of raw materials and export of raw materials can be a major competitive advantage for the country. Theoretical analysis.

Socio-economic Factors of Formation of National Identity in the Conditions of Globalization

Introduction. The urgency of the problems of international cooperation associated with the exacerbation of national consciousness, increased tolerance to violations of national equality and distorted media coverage of conflict on a national basis. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article – to identify systemically important factors of national identity. The formation of national identity is determined by the spatial characteristics – border areas. Another factor that is closely related to the previous one, is a land.

Strategic Aspects of Economic Security in the New Wave of Crisis

Introduction. This article formed the methodological approaches and the basis of the definition of economic security strategy for socio-economic systems, enterprises and organizations. Theoretical analysis. The basic directions of formation of economic security of business entities and the conditions of its implementation strategy, the necessity of inclusion in the strategy of economic security such an important component, as the property safety of enterprises and organizations. Empirical analysis.

Actuality of the Study of Economic Safety of the Enterprise in the Face of Global Economic Instability

Introduction. The theme of economic security is of increasing importance, the very dynamic, contradictory trends and developments in the modern world. Theoretical analysis. The problem of global economic security for our country. The global financial crisis raises the issue of the formation of a new concept of economic security that guarantees the independence of the country and its stability, improving the quality of life of the people, the development of science and technology.

Innovative Development of the Saratov Region: the Arguments «Pro» and «Contra»

Introduction. The article proposes to consider innovation not only as a factor of economic development, as well as a tool to resolve difficult conflicts and overcome the limitations that can not be overcome by other means. Theoretical analysis. In the process of development of economic systems they formed conservative structures that this development is stopped. The paper put forward the hypothesis that such contradictions are not solved structures of the economic system.
