Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Cooperation between Business and Government in the Development and Implementation of Targeted Programs (Retracted 01/09/2021)

Introduction. Within this article practice of interaction of the power and business during the developing and implementation of federal target programs by means of which priorities of social and economic development of the country are reached is considered. Target programs are one of the most important tools of the solution of social and economic tasks in the state. Theoretical analysis. Program and target approach is used both in a state administration, and in business planning.

Institutional Тransformation of the Underground Economy

Introduction. The underground economy as an economic system is investigated in the article. According to some estimates, the underground economy volume in Russia amounts to 46% of GDP. The purpose of a scientific article is to study the institutional mechanism of transformation of the underground economy system.

The Relationship and Interdependence of Convergence and Integration in the Economy

Introduction. The trend of globalization of the modern economy leads to the increasing relevance of convergence and integration, the relationship and interaction which do not cause doubts. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the integration and convergence as processes of interaction between homogeneous or heterogeneous elements of different economic systems, which are closely interwoven with each other. Discusses the question of the primacy of processes of integration and convergence.

To the Problem of Estimating Inter-regional Differentiation of Per Capita Incomes

Introduction. The problems of an adequate assessment of the differentiation of Russian regions are relevant insofar as to ensure the sustainability of economic growth and socio-economic development need to mitigate economic and social disparities between regions. The article is devoted to methodological aspects of the comparative analysis of per capita incomes in Russian regions.

Theoretical Analysis of the Nature of Institutional Dysfunctions of New Technological Way

Introduction. Relevance of research of a problem of institutional dysfunctions is connected with emergence of their new forms, a wide circulation in institutional system and need of development of the adequate mechanism of counteraction of abnormal institutional forms. Theoretical analysis. Article purpose – to analyse genesis of institutional dysfunctions of new technological way, to show a role and a place of technologies of broad application in this process.

Dynamics of Expenditure for Education in Member States of the EAEU

Introduction. Socio-economic development of the society due to the relationship between economic and educational components of national systems that define the conditions for the accumulation of intellectual potential of the country. The stable and progressive development of countries is largely determined by the state education system. Theoretical analysis. Public expenditure for education contribute to the economic growth of the country through the development of human capital.

Reproductive Dynamics of the Information Sector of the Economy

Introduction. In the beginning of XXI century national economies of some countries were transformed through structural changes associated with the formation of the new postindustrial order. These changes require adequate theoretical understanding. The article discusses the structure of the total social product reproduction process with the participation of two entities: material and information sectors of the economy. Theoretical analysis.

Century of Mobilization Development of the Russian Economy

Introduction. Researched sustainable secular trend of mobilization development of the Russian economy since the beginning of the First World War in 1914. Theoretical analysis. Outlines the main theoretical and methodological assumptions put forward scientific hypotheses: the mobilization of the economy as a result of government entrepreneurship, limiting the share of consumption and increase the share of savings in the structure of gross product of the country.

The Monetary Policy’s Role in the Regulation of Investment Relations

Introduction. The main factor of the economic recession in Russia is an investment pause, the overcoming of which will serve as a key to restoring economic growth and the growth of foreign and domestic investments. At the same time, increasing the investment is associated with greater risk, which obviously reduces the investment activity and inhibits the development of investment relations.

Educational Benefit as an Intelligent Good

Introduction. Education is a complex process aimed at forming intellectual potential of both the individual and the nation as a whole. The quality of knowledge, namely the level of education of a person, his ability to create and develop a new knowledge, which subsequently create new products, technology, ie expand and reproduce the national wealth. Therefore, an educational service should be regarded as an intellectual one. Theoretical analysis.
