For citation:
Mizintseva M. F., Zhang W. The Remuneration of Employees of Banking Sector of the China. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 12-18. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2018-18-1-12-18
The Remuneration of Employees of Banking Sector of the China
Introduction. Labor resources in China have great potential for development. The number of employed citizens is 77500 thousand. However, the level of real unemployment in the country is high. Empirical analysis. The article analyses the level and characteristics of remuneration of employees of the banking sector of China. We study the structure of the working population of the country, it investigates the level of wages in the country, including in Chinese banks, is considered the minimum wage in Chinese cities. Given the problems existing in the programs of remuneration of the banks of China, including: the lack of communication targets reached and the amount of financial benefits, the underdevelopment of the system of bonus payments, the unpopularity of rewards for individual merit, gender discrimination in remuneration in the Bank of China, etc. Results. The article presents the main recommendations for improving the system of remuneration in the banking sector of China: among them: the introduction of Chinese banks in the remuneration system agreed with the results achieved, the expansion of the program of bonus payments, promotion and regular wage increases for young employees, the application of open and competitive wage systems, regular monitoring of employees‘ interests in wages, minimizing fines.
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