Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


New Interpretation of the Classical Interregional and International Trade Theories: Economic Logic vs the Economy

Introduction. This paper offers a new interpretation of the principles of absolute and comparative advantage. Theoretical analysis. The innovation of this study is its attempt to consider the old theories of international trade as the first models of the spatial economy.

Factors Affecting the Innovative Development of the Region

Introduction. The problems of determining the composition of the factors influencing the innovative development of the region, the methodologies for measuring this influence and the development of tools for its evaluation are relevant in the context of developing potential mechanisms for stimulating regional innovation activity in modern conditions. Theoretical analysis.

The Influence of Globalization on Performance of Capital Market

Introduction. The functionality of national market capital in globalization determines not only by processes runing in national economy system, but by the international range of capital and development of multinational corporation. Transnationalization of modern economy leads to dysfunction of capital market, that actualize the reseach of influence on globalization in operating capital market. Theoretical analysis.

The Relationship between Structural Changes and Economic Development of Russia

Introduction. This article investigates the relationship between changes in the structure of Russia’s economy and economic development at the stage of the postindustrial society formation. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the mechanism of interaction of structural changes and economic dynamics with their qualitative and quantitative sides. Theoretical analysis.

Institutional Innovation of Business Structure in Conditions of Information

Introduction. In terms of informatization, business structures are undergoing many changes, introduced many technological and institutional innovations. The introduction of new technologies in production, build new strategies for organization of business processes (e.g., in a virtual space), as well as changing the informal rules of the game, for example, for the operation of virtual organizations based on the trust of participants to each other, greatly increases the productivity and competitiveness of modern organizations. Theoretical analysis.

Accounting and Tax Accounting Expenses Selling Organizations in Different Systems of Taxation

Introduction. At the present time, in a difficult economic situation in our country, cost accounting issues are directly related to the optimization of the taxation of businesses. The purpose of this study – to analyze the accounting and tax accounting costs of the organization and to make proposals for convergence of accounting and taxation. Theoretical analysis.

Firm as the Research Object in the Theory of Information Economy

Introduction. The role of firm in the conditions of information economy is investigated in the article. Modern economic realities reflect the global change of economic paradigm and the transition to the information society. This fact naturally influences on behavior of firm as active economic agent. Considering theoretical aspect of a traditional role of firm as a main manufacturer in economy, there is topical issue: whether there is this role invariable in the conditions of new realities of information economy? Theoretical analysis.

Supply, Demand and Price as a Basic Economic Category Analysis of Economic Systems and Processes

Introduction. Category value – is the cornerstone, the foundation on which to build an economic system design, it is important for the basic tenets of economic theory. Based on the theory of value determined by the goals and motives of enterprises and entrepreneurs activities, chooses the distribution of economic resources, processes, market exchange function. Theoretical analysis. The labor theory of value relates the value of the commodity labor costs of its production.

Financial Literacy of the Russian Population: the Problem Field and Conceptual Model

Introduction. The development process of improving financial literacy is natural, since an adequate level of financial literacy contributes to the improvement of living standards, the financial security of citizens, economic development and improve social welfare. To date, the search for methods of integrated assessment of financial literacy and mechanisms of its increase. Theoretical analysis.

India: Opportunities and Prospects for Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Russian Federation

Introduction. Analyzing the changes in foreign trade, as well as taking into account the global trends in the field of foreign trade, we can talk about the need to find new partners for the Russian economy, as well as the expansion of already established foreign economic relations. One of these partners for Russia could be India. However, there are a number of factors as obstacles to this process, as well as a positive influence on him. Theoretical analysis.
