For citation:
Skorobogatova T. N. The Experience of Consumption as a Fundamental Principle of Reducing Risk when Using the Cultural Services . Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 28-32. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2018-18-1-28-32
The Experience of Consumption as a Fundamental Principle of Reducing Risk when Using the Cultural Services
Introduction. Addressing the risks of a producer and consumer and evaluation of the experience of consumption in reducing risk in the use of all types of services and service culture, in particular, will allow to increase the competitiveness of the services culture. Theoretical analysis. Identified risk factors of producer services. The experience of consumption services in terms of process and outcome. In connection with such special services as the variability of quality shown preventive measures of the client to reduce risk. Conclusions. When the service runs the risk of the producer and the client. The manufacturer runs the risk of losing clients in the absence of necessary materials, as well as the deterioration of his skills. The consumer based on their own experience and that of significant persons of the contractor chooses the services that best meets its requirements. The most important for the user in many cases is his own evaluation of the consumed services. Use experience does not exclude the risk associated with the use of the new service (innovation risk), which is specified depending on the type of service activities. In most cases it is advisable that new services do not supplant existing and naturally complements them.
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