For citation:
Kharlamov A. V. Development of Russia in the Conditions of Global Economic Instability. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 4-11. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2018-18-1-4-11
Development of Russia in the Conditions of Global Economic Instability
Introduction. The current stage of globalization is characterized by increased economic instability, which requires a search the mechanism that allows to minimize the emerging economic risks and to obtain some advantages in the changed circumstances. The author makes the hypothesis that in our country we should go towards the creation of economic and technological leading state. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of structural shifts in the global economy demonstrates the need for changes in the design of global and national regulation, because it isn’t acceptable to the vast majority of countries and their associations. The emergence of new contradictions and crisis phenomena at the national and global level makes necessary the determination of directions for transition the domestic economy to sustainable economic growth. The formation of effective economic system will allow Russia to become the world center of economic influence. Empirical analysis. The analysis and diagnosis of the economic growth in the Russian Federation indicate the entrance of the domestic economy in the zone of protracted recession. This involves the working out managerial decisions aimed at overcoming recession and moving to the phase of economic growth on the basis of mo dernization of state management system in the conditions of new global challenges. Results. The system character of solutions existing problems on the basis of transformation of the fundamentals of the economic system to improve its dynamism and adaptability is justified.
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