Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The Network of Labour Market Institutions

Introduction. In modern conditions of development of economy, development, labour market acquires a different shape, apart from the development of possible types of labour market is not considered the development of the institutions of the virtual labour market. Theoretical analysis.

Gravity Models of Foreign Trade of Brics Countries

Introduction. The article shows that the main idea of foreign trade gravity models is foreign trade turnover, which is directly proportional to economic potential of countries trade (GDP) and inversely to distance between them. Gravity models of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) used for modelling of trade and economic integration.

Risks and Contradictions of Modernization in Modern Economy of Russia

Introduction: In modern conditions of great importance is the economic modernization of Russia. It is necessary to analyze the risks and contradictions of modernization. This determines the importance of research. Theoretical analysis. Modernization implies structural changes of the economy that produces competitive production. Its risks are: the economy’s dependence on the world market, the conflict of economic interests, the strain on the labour market, weakening role of the state in the economy, decrease motivation to work. Discussion.

Theoretical Model of Regional Reproduction

Introduction. The region in modern Russia is considered as an economic system with its combination of reproductive relations and specific features of the course of social and economic processes. Theoretical analysis.

Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development of Russian Economy

Introduction. This article assesses the influence of uneven evolution of socio-economic processes in the Russian regions on specific development and functioning of the national economy of Russia. Methodology and results of research. The level of self-sufficiency of economy of Russian regions can be presented through an indicator of the economic density which results of calculations testify to sharp differentiation between regions of the Russian Federation. For example, Moscow, St.

Theoretical Basis of Competitiveness at the Present Stage

Introduction. In modern economy is more urgent issues affecting the problem of raising the level of competitiveness of a modern enterprise. Cardinal increase of overall performance of the industrial enterprise and its effectiveness due to the detailed consideration of certain factors exerting influence on the process of formation of competitive advantages. This process management involves the accounting and business impact of all stakeholders. The subject of research is the concept of «competitiveness». Methods.

The Property Relations in the Course of the New Industrialization of the Russian Economy

Introduction. The question about property is the main question of the economic theory. The relations of property characterize a social and economic system of the country. The change of these relations demonstrates the changes in the way of production, in the essence of the new industrialization of the Russian economy. Theoretical analysis.

Interaction of the University, the Business and the State as a Factor of the Regional Development in the National Innovation System

Introduction. Today, improving the efficiency of both national and regional economy is seen in the active use of knowledge. Due to the fact that knowledge does not transform the economy, and hence, there is no guarantee that the investment in research and higher education will bring economic benefit, new mechanisms are needed to ensure that the relationship with the applied knowledge economy. The basis of such a mechanism could serve as interaction university, business and government on the principles of the triple helix model. Theoretical analysis.

The Us Experience of Technology Transfer from Science in Industrial

Introduction. The effective development of economics of any country is impossible without existence of the effective system of technology’s transfer and commercialization, that are the main factor, promoting innovative development and supply of countries’ wealth in the modern world. Theoretical analysis. Three main models of technologies’ delivery in the universities of the USA are viewed, the analysis of the considered models is carried out in the article. Results.

International Science and Technology Cooperation of the Republic of Korea

Introduction. Further successful development of the Russian regions should be based on the strategy of modernization. Identification of the main problems of economic development of regions, especially investment, should be an important stage in the construction of this strategy.
