Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Resource Security of Agrarian Sector of Economy of Russia

In clause the condition of resource potential of agrarian sector of economy of Russia is analyzed, influence of factors of foreign market on structure of use of resources in agriculture is investigated; offers on increase of resource security of agrarian production are given.

Labor Relations Change in Conditions of Information Economy Development

In the article there are considered theoretical aspects of labor relations in modern conditions of information economy. The author pays attention to modification of labor character, forms of labor activity coordination and informational product property relations. 

Reproduction Process As Method of Realization of Economic Independence of Regions of Russia

The mechanism of regional reproduction, carried out economic the independent regions of Russia, is expounded in the article. Objectivity of its existence is proved in the conditions of market economy. The features of regional reproduction and its likeness are showed with reproduction at the level of other managing subjects.

Investment Activity of the Economic Agents as Economic Definition

The article considered different aspects, ideas, investment activities and brought out general definition of that idea. In terms of statistical evidence analyses investment activity and its association with investments in fixed assets.

To a Question on Cyclic Development Transfomation Economy of Russia

In clause the characteristic transfomation processes in economy of Russia is given. The maintenance transfomation a cycle reveals, its stages are allocated. Concurrences and divergences transfomation and economic cycles on their phases are proved.

Ability of Bank Sphere of Russia to form System Properties (Theoretical Aspect)

In clause theoretical questions of formation of system properties of bank sphere of Russia of the beginning of ХХI centuries are considered, and abilities of banks and other credit establishments to keep the saved up elements of the mechanism of interaction among themselves and with real economy. The author makes an attempt to deduce the basic, base system properties of bank sphere of Russia and importance of their development in the long term and, in particular, during modern world financial and economic crisis.

Financial aspects pass a new wages systems in budget spheare

The article is devoted to problems of new systems in budget spheare in modern Russia. The author investigate such issues, as: causes leading to deep crisis of wages systems in budget spheare; trends of possible development forms of wages; objective difficulties of their adaptation to modern conditions.

Methodological Aspects of Economic Development Indices Big Cycles

There methodological questions of the Kondratiev’s cycles study are discussed in the article. Quantity and quality indicators analysis of the cycle dynamics are presented in this text. Endogenous and exogenous factors influence is accounted. All empirical issues of the different authors classified from methodologies and direction specify. It is pointed out to necessity of the indicators elect criteria’s correction for the complex illustration of Russian economy

The Nature of Internet Economy

The article touches upon the comparative analysis of such terms as «Internet economy», «network economy», «information economy», «knowledge society». Theoretical aspects of the Internet economy, its specific peculiarities and potential benefits are being studied.

Analysis of the Monetary Methods Effectiveness in Macroeconomic Regulation: Historic Aspect

The author of the article has made an attempt to analyze the consequences of the monetary methods in regulating the national economy in order to contain the inflation processes, exampled by the leading capitalistic countries (the United States and the United Kingdom in the 1970–1980’s). The article shows some vital aspects for the economy of any state.
