Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Development of Forms of Public-Private Partnership in Economy of Russia

In the article the characteristic, classifications and spheres of primary application of forms of public-private partnership is presented. Practical realization of forms of public-private partnership in economy of Russia, and also the basic problems of their dynamical development is considered.

Specificity of macro- and microrestrictions in an economy under transformation

In the article the main makroogranicheniya in Russia’s economy. Raslooking model of economic development. Mikroogranicheniya are distinguished in the activity of enterprises. Investigate barter and weak government regulation as the major constraints in the economy of Russia.

Regional Economy as Economic System of the Country

The article gives a general description of the region as a unity of aggregate economic agents and economic system within the national economy. Consider its systemic features, particularly the reproductive process, in common with the national economy and specificity of economic processes.

Human role in post-industrial economy

Introduction. Large-scale processes of informatization development in recent decades determine the need and opportunity to reconsider the role and importance of the human in modern society, determine his place in the modern economic system, and increase his role in the activities of the organization. Theoretical analysis.

The impact of sanctions policy on Russian banking sector

Introduction. The banking sector is a key sector of the national economy and a growth factor, determining its efficiency and development prospects. Over the past year and a half, the national economy in general and the banking sector in particular have been adapting to the external negative impact of the sanctions policies of Western countries. Package sanctions were created on a regular basis and are used today to limit the development of the country in all areas. Theoretical analysis.

Crowdlending platforms development prospects in modern Russian economy

Introduction. The changes in the economic situation, which happened after certain events of February 2022, required signifi cant investment in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Parallel imports, new market niches to be fulfi lled after foreign producers had left, the desire to preserve and increase capital while experiencing ruble devaluation– these and other reasons formed the basis of crowdlending studying in this paper. Theoretical analysis.

Synergistic effects of interaction between economic agents

Introduction. In economics, all processes and phenomena are constantly changing and interacting. There are new connections, interdependencies, as well as new interactions. Due to the changed structure of the economy, it is important to reveal the types of economic entities’ interactions (agents of the economy). They lead to a variety of synergistic effects. Analyzing these interactions and the resulting synergetic effects is an important task of the study. This is the relevance of the research topic. Theoretical analysis.

Food policy and economic security of the Russian agricultural sector: Institutional analysis experience

Introduction. The need to adapt agriculture to the conditions of a turbulent external environment requires an increase in the efficiency of state regulation. Solving this problem should be based on rethinking the theoretical and methodological base of the modern food policy effectiveness study from the point of view of institutional analysis. Theoretical analysis. An ordered set of formal and informal institutions constitutes the institutional structure of the agro-food complex.

Contradictions of the migration relations system: Research methodology

Introduction. Modern conditions in the sphere of international relations are characterized by the growth of global instability, confrontation and competition of world powers, the conduct of hostilities during the special military operation in Ukraine caused by the need to protect the national and state interests of Russia. In the sphere of migration relations for Russia, these conditions are reflected both in the mass “anti-war” emigration from Russia and in the large-scale influx of refugees from the war-torn territories of Ukraine.

Comparative analysis of university models by their innovation activity

Introduction. Universities play an important role in the formation and transfer of new knowledge, its application and commercialization, becoming centers of intellectual development, scientific discoveries and technological progress. Innovative activity is one of the key success factors for a university in the field of domestic higher education.
