Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Value Chain Management as Essentials of Pricing Strategy for Digital Marketing Companies

Introduction. Many businesses nowadays struggle to develop an effective pricing strategy that would boost their sales volume and improve profitability. Some of them may overcharge for their products and services, and usually chase customers away with their profit-hungry image. Others may undercharge as they either do not recognize the value they provide to a customer or simply deliver a below-the-standard project/service.

Development of Taxation of Income of Individuals in the Russian Federation Based on Foreign Experience

Introduction. The issue of reforming the taxation of personal income has not left the agenda in recent decades. The importance of solving this issue is determined by the high economic and social significance of personal income tax and its impact on the labor market and consumption. Theoretical analysis.

Substantiation of the Balanced Approach to the Digitalization Process in the Aspect of Innovative Development of Domestic Enterprises

Introduction. One of the priority tasks for our country is to activate the innovative activity of domestic enterprises. The most important modern tool for increasing the activity of innovative development is digitalization. To achieve high efficiency of digital transformation processes in the context of innovation, it is necessary to determine the most promising option for implementing digitalization processes in order to activate and maintain a high level of efficiency in the development and implementation of innovations at domestic enterprises.

Тhe Algorithm of Formation of Informational Cluster

Now cluster approach is one of the most effective ways of management of subjects of economy and their associations, allowing to gain synergetic effect. Theoretical part. Information cluster as a form of association of subjects of economy for the purpose of an increment of knowledge possesses distinctive characteristics that results in need of development of algorithm of education and functioning of information cluster taking into account specifics of functioning of this cluster and is more whole than its creation.

Specificity of Reliability Assessment and Management of Logistics Systems

In today’s economic realities special urgency solving improve the reliability of logistics systems(HP) that are based on the principles of logistics, which will be based on good organization and management to choose the optimal control action on the system in order to improve the efficiency, reliability, competitiveness and adaptability.Theoretical analysis.To solve the problems of increasing there liability of logistics systems must use the system-integrated approach that will generate efficient structures by reliability and will have a decisive effe

Types and Forms of the Corporate Conflicts in Modern Organizations

There are lots of discussions about corporate conflicts, their types and resolving in corporate governance literature nowadays because modern problems of corporate management, its development and evolution are very actual not only for Russian organizations. But till this time there is not definition of «corporate dispute» in any legal documents.

Methodology of Integral Parameter Construction for Evaluation of Informational Processes in the Regions of Russia

Together with new management paradigm forming, the political management of the country aims to modernize national economics and to implement the new Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020.

Use of the Venture Capital for Investment of Innovative Activity in the Mechanical Engineering›s Enterprises

Basis of industrial power of the state is the mechanical engineering which level of development defines the general technological level of economy. In modern conditions the venture capital becomes one of the most effective sources of investment of innovative activity of the enterprises of mechanical engineering. Theoretical analysis. Present condition of branch of mechanical engineering in Russia was analysed in the article.

Exchange rate pass-through in Russian regions: Searching for spatial dependencies

Introduction. The article examines the spatial heterogeneity and factors of the exchange rate pass-through effect in consumer prices in Russian regions. Two hypotheses are tested. The first hypothesis is that there are differences in the magnitude of the passthrough between the Russian regions, the second is the significant influence of spatial relationships between regions on the magnitude of the pass-through effect. Theoretical analysis.
